Healthy Habit – Steve Washuta

Guest: Steve Washuta
Podcast Release Date: 4/27/2021
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Steve Washuta: Welcome to the Trulyfit podcast. I’m your host, Steve Washuta, co-founder of Trulyfit and author of Fitness Business 101. On today’s podcast, it’s just going to be me speaking about healthy habits, I’m going to run down five steps and a lot of these steps interconnect. But they can help you as a general person who is interested in fitness and health and wellness. And as a personal trainer who is trying to pass on these particular issues to clients who can help themselves better their health and fitness regimens, which in turn, helps you get them to their goal. So let’s get right into it here.
Number one is to write things down. That might sound obvious but people do not write things down whether it’s really tracking your diet, and your and your workouts, whether it’s having a notepad next year bed. So when you think of ideas that come to mind that pop into consciousness, well, they just as quickly leave consciousness. So having a pad nearby, write things down, have things on your calendar, whether you have a Google Calendar, a phone calendar, a physical calendar, write them down, have them somewhere, it helps keep you accountable, and it helps keep all of those ideas and plans in motion.
Number two, this kind of plays into number one, again, a lot of these interconnect, plan your meals and your gym times for the week. Now you don’t have to stick to them verbatim. But having even a vague plan and starting slow, maybe you have just your dinners written out on aboard. So you know Monday through Sunday, you have all of the dinners that you are going to make written out on the board. And of course, you don’t have to always stick to them. Maybe it takes a little bit more energy to make the meal that you said you were going to do Tuesday and you were tired. So you know you juxtapose Tuesday and Wednesday’s meal, not a big deal here.
But having a vague plan, writing all those things down: your workouts, keeps you accountable, and your meals, so write them down. It’s one of the things that helps my clients the most having coming home from work, even again, if it’s just dinners or just breakfast and seeing on their board that they have on some sort of piece of paper that they have in their kitchen, you know what I said I was going to eat X, Y and Z I know that I’m hungry for you know, a pizza, but I already bought this food, I already wrote it down and said I was going to eat it.
So this is going to help me stay accountable here. Three is not going zero to 60. And again, that plays into number two. So what that means essentially is don’t change all of your bad habits right away because you are going to fail. If you’ve never ran before in your entire life, your goal should not be the next day to run a marathon, right, we have to build slowly.
It’s the same thing with healthy habits here. If you’re somebody who struggles with building healthy habits, you can’t say, I’m going to plan all five of my meals every day, assuming you eat five meals a day in your particular diet, and I’m going to stick to them to a tee because it’s just not going to happen right? Start slow, do not go zero to 60. If you’re someone who’s not working out if you have a client who doesn’t work out much, you have to tell them hey, listen, we’re just going to start two or three days on weekdays, maybe you go for long walks.
On the days, you’re not actually working out with me or hard workouts by yourself, or even having hard medium and light days. And having a few days off. But we cannot go zero to 60 we cannot start you know somebody from couch to marathon right you go couch to 5k works couch to marathon does not.
Steve Washuta: Number four, accountability partners. We’ve talked a little bit about accountability in these in these last four things when you know when you’re writing things down. And when you’re planning your meals. Sometimes having a partner, whether it’s your husband or wife, or a best friend, or somebody you find online who has similar goals to work alongside you in these goals really keeps you honest. This will help healthy habits.
A lot of people do this when they do things like a like a p90x, they grab a bunch of partners to do it with them, because you’re less likely to cancel on that workout that you have.
If you know that you have partners who want to also do that work out they expect you to be there keeps you accountable. So if you’re somebody who thinks you need that reach out, you can reach out on forums online, I see it all the time, you could reach out to friends, you can leave Facebook messages or Instagram messages, whether they’re vague or their specific DMS to people it’s it works. Use an accountability partner if you need it. And lastly, again, these all tie together is don’t beat yourself up. This is a journey, you’re going to fail. You’re going to fail a few times. It’s like quitting cigarettes.
As far as starting a healthy lifestyle and fitness regimen, you’re going to fail, then you’re going to go back to bad habits. And then you’re going to say I’m going to quit and you’re going to go back to bad habits. You’re gonna say I’m gonna quit, you have to maintain the course there is going to be an ebb and a flow here.
There are going to be some failures. Don’t beat yourself up. If you write out all your meals for the week, and all of your, let’s say your workouts and you don’t get to some of those workouts. thing happens, your boss asked you to do something, you have to stay a little bit late at work and you’re tired. Or, you know if this is if you’re telling your clients these things, maybe that maybe they were and they don’t have the energy to complete the workout that they said they were going to complete. Or maybe they wanted to do 100 pull-ups that week, and they didn’t get to it because of, you know, some small injury. stay the course, do not beat yourself up. This is a journey toward healthy habits.
This is a marathon, not a sprint, as I always say in the health and fitness world. So that is it. I’ll go over these one more time, write things down, whether it’s a notepad next to your bed or on your calendar, plan your meals and your workouts for the week, even if you don’t stick to them. Specifically, every single workout and you have to switch some things or deviate. Still, it’s important to plan those meals and plan your gym times for the week. Do not go zero to 60 and everything you’re not going to change every bad habit into a healthy habit.
And every bad dietary habit or fitness habit and health habit you have to start slow and build up. accountability partners are useful that’s for if you think you need a little bit of an extra boost to keep you accountable. Reach out there are always other people who are also looking for accountability partners and looking for accountability partners and five last but not least, that connects all of these together. Do not beat yourself up. This is a journey, you are not going to take over your health and fitness regimen without a little bit of failure. There’s going to be an ebb and a flow here. stay the course. And thank you for listening to Trulyfit podcasts. Remember to check out our social media sites, which are all listed on the Trulyfit app. There.
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