Helping Clients Run: Liubov Lomonosova

Guest: Liubov Lomonosova
Podcast Release Date: 5/17/2021
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Steve Washuta: Welcome to the Trulyfit podcast. I’m your host Steve Washuta, co-founder of Trulyfit and ultra Fitness Business 101. On today’s podcast, I will be speaking with lineable lamonta Silva. Leibovitz is a run coach. She’s also a NASM, CPT, and PS. Today, our conversation is going to be centered around helping clients run.
We talk about helping clients who have never run before start their running program, whether it’s some sort of couch to 5k ask or whether it’s running their first mile and about helping clients who are actually runner’s high-level runners, the things we can do to make sure that our clients are well balanced, and that we’re working on both ends not only with them in the running areas, but that we’re working with them in the weight room, we’ve talked about common issues and injuries that runners may have to deal with.
We have talked about training runners remotely versus virtually we talked about gadgets for running, it is a great conversation surrounded around running mostly beginner running or how to help your clients run.
But all in all, I really enjoyed the conversation if you want to find more, and talk to Leah both or follow her, please. LYU TSI K, that is her Instagram again, Liu te si k she’s had a great Igy and very interactive with her followers. So please follow her with no further ado, here is Leah both. Okay, Leah, both Welcome to the Trulyfit podcasts. Thank you so much for being here. I’ve already introduced you to the front end.
But let’s give a brief bio of who you are, how you got into running, and what exactly you do now.
Liubov Lomonosova: Yeah, thank you so much for inviting me. I’m very excited. So I’m a Ukrainian I moved to us in August 2014. And I was not considered as good to myself as an active person.
So basically, I came here I was eating, maybe sometimes sporting, and I ended up gaining lots of unnecessary weight, especially with the difference between the food and the portions. So I moved to Texas, in Texas, everything is bigger, that’s for sure. After about a year or sometime about that, I realized that this lifestyle is not good for me. I might want to start doing something about it. And I hated driving so much. So Ronnie wasn’t an option for me. So I started, going to every possible class at the community fitness community center where we leave that.
And after that, at some point, people were like, you should add like really cardio if you want to, like lose fat that is like really helpful. I was like, Okay, I don’t know. And my husband at the time started running. He got proper running shoes, he got fitted for it. And I was like, okay, maybe if I’ll get a new pair of proper running shoes, which I’ve never had before, I’ll be more motivated to start doing it.
And because I invested in something, it will make me stick to it. So yeah, my husband also pointed out that that I was kind of like, oh, was it always trying to run the wrong, like starting out too fast. So he showed me how to jog. It was a breakthrough moment when I realized that I could sustain the 20-minute run and It was like about a 15-minute mile or something, I picked a program just to learn how to run for a minute.
So I would be able to edit later to my just regular cardio routine. And again, I was like okay, I can run 40 minutes. This is something new. If I can run 40 minutes, and I thought I couldn’t maybe I could do more. And then step-by-step training by the training plan. I got into like 10k training, then half marathon marathon, and then I wanted to qualify for Boston and there you go. And then I was like okay, I would like also like to share with people what I learned maybe I could help someone inspire someone, but also I need knowledge so that’s why also like I got fewer different certifications. So yeah, I’m I have a certification and personal training and several certifications in running coaching.
Steve Washuta: Well, I do think that the best coaches are not always the best at what they do. Now, let me explain what I mean by that, or they start from the bottom. So the best football coaches, American football and baseball and basketball typically are people who weren’t the best athlete, they were someone who had to work their way up from the start, because they saw how you have to start, and all the little nuances of how to get from there.
So I think it’s important that as a running coach, you weren’t someone who has been running since the age of five or someone who loved running, you had to start from that area where you were like, you know what, I have to get off the couch. I don’t really love this. I’m not great at it. I’m only running 14 or 15-minute miles, and then you built yourself up to this high-level runner, I think that that helps you and I want to sort of going right into that now, how do you work with clients who were in your same position who say, you know what I really want to start running. But I’ve never done it before. And I don’t think I’m any good at it.
Liubov Lomonosova : So first of all, people who would reach out to me, those would be people who inspired by my story, just because they see someone who never was an elite runner. And now I’m like, from non-runner, I became very close to, let’s say, probably some sub-elite level, I’m a suddenly level runner.
People get excited, They think like, what if I can do that too. So I coach different people and direct people who have zero background in running at all, and they just have a goal just to start running. So for some runners, works, for example, around work method, just because they cannot handle right away to any minute jog. And that’s okay. And then there are runners who even without any running background, can start a 20-minute run.
So usually I recommend running start with those people running like three, four times per week, and not to overwhelm them. And I gradually build up the distance, if it is just starting with the distance. And if it is around the work method. So my goal is to eliminate the working part and get to like 20 minutes run without any stops, and then build up to one hour run, let’s say and then from that level, it is possible to start working by adding some speed. Usually, if a person wants to run 35k, it will not be about speed, but about just finishing the distance and feel good about it. I wouldn’t worry much about agent speed.
And also the body is not ready to add speed. So I will be building up just the distance, make sure everything is okay. I will ask for a response. And moderate the workout if necessary. So for online coaching, I use a special platform for online endurance training, it calls a final search. So this platform has an opportunity to get synced with the most important, most famous, I don’t know, like Garmin, like a bead, or something like popular running voyage watches.
But if the person doesn’t have any board watch, she or he can use a special app like for example Strava or Yeah, or it is some other running apps. And then that’s how I will be able to see where you do run. And depending on which tracking device they have, I will have less or more statistics. So running watches, some of them, have more statistics like cadence, like heart rate, like pace, and then I can get some kind of idea how hard or easy it was for them.
And I can look at some statistics to know Do they have a proper running form. Also, some of my runners if they want to, can film themselves, ask someone to film them while they’re running. So I would have a look at that on their running form and give them some cues to correct that. Some people want to add the strength workout some people don’t. So if my client wants to add, I will add some necessary workouts for them too. Because just running itself can be not the best thing to do. You need to work by adding strength different kinds of strength workouts.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, yeah, no, exactly. And I think we’re going to talk about that in a little bit, but I want to go back to something that just popped in my head here. And if they don’t have access to may be running outside for whatever reason, if it’s really cold, do you work with people who just run on a treadmill? Or do you are you against running on treadmills?
Liubov Lomonosova : No, actually, I do work with people who wants to run and I don’t care where they run, just because people can train outside. And inside, there is there are differences.
There are certain people, for example, if they always train on the treadmill, it will be it might feel harder to run outside. And vice versa. I do have a client that I coach and she just loves running on the treadmill. And that works for her. I mean, I cannot make her run outside if she doesn’t want to.
My goal is to make my clients happy and help them in whatever they want to reach. But by doing it safely. So if a person running on the treadmill, usually it is suggested to add sometimes about 1% incline just to make sure you’re not doing just on flat ground just for some running form. And to compensate for outside conditions. Sure. But yeah, it’s possible and I’m okay. I use the treadmill, myself if needed. But I like running outside.
Steve Washuta : So now that you’re in and invested in running, and it’s something that you love. And I know that I get to this point too when I start running, I get addicted to it, you get that runner’s high, and you want to run every other day and you get into it. But those first few weeks mentally are very tough for people who have never done it. So do you have clients who struggle with that and go, you know what, I just, I just don’t feel like running today? And how do you? How do you motivate them? I guess I would say.
Liubov Lomonosova : So there are different kinds of runners, and there are runners who experienced a tough time. And for those who haven’t run before, they may experience even soreness after running. And I just asked all my clients to give me feedback after each workout. So I would know what’s going on in if I can give any kind of advice to them.
So also, some runners can experience some kind of like, I don’t know, Shin spleens or Archer, pain, loss, lots of things also depend on if they have a proper running shoe. Because not everyone wants to invest in a good pair of running shoes, which is very important.
There are some people to whom I can reach out to and I can help them, motivate them and make them believe they need to keep going. And they’re willing to keep going. But there are some people who just abandon it and give up and you know, like if the person doesn’t is ready yet, mentally. It is not much I can do about it. So I don’t like forcing my clients.
But if my client has like a wheel and desires to reach the goal, I do all possible to make it happen. So one of the techniques, for example, it was like a bedroom, and a person would be my client was reached out to me and say, Oh, that was terrible. I’m a terrible runner. I can do it. I can do it. I’m so slow. I don’t see the progress.
So I would remind, but do you remember the other day when you told me you felt good, you feel excited, you’re doing great progress because we tend to discount all of the positives that we have. And focus on just negative and negative stays longer. So it’s very important to work with the client kinda like mentally to just give some motivational advice. Sometimes it’s just pointing out some obvious things that it’s hard to see when something not going good.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, and to give a sort of a runner’s analogy, health is a marathon, not a sprint, right. So there’s gonna be it’s all it takes a long time to get healthy. And it takes a long time to be able to run and you’re gonna have bad days and good days.
It’s our part as coaches and trainers to get motivated. I think what you said before was really smart about them, having them invest in that pair of running shoes is important. Just like as personal trainers, we try to have our clients invest in a package, because if they buy that package of training, for whatever, let’s say, you know, $500 for whatever for eight sessions, They are now invested in the process.
They’re not going to just come to one session and leave, they’ve already paid. And they’re ready to go through that. So I think that’s important. I want to go back to something we were almost going to touch on before. And that was injuries. You mentioned shin splints. And then some people get plantar fasciitis.
Some people have like, you know what tight muscles, right tight hamstrings, tight quads, whatever. Are there other things that you see, let’s talk about specifically with like beginner runners? Do they have more common issues? Are there programs that you use with them afterward, whether it’s for like stretch and recovery?
Liubov Lomonosova : So I give my runners, links with video videos for dynamic warm-up before their runs, and post trans stretch. And I ask them if they do it, because not everyone do it. Also, if one of the runners would say, Oh, you know, I have like Thai cough or something like this, I would look up and give something for self-myofascial releases, like foam rolling. So they will address it if it helps. If it is something really bad, they cannot go running because they experienced pain, not discomfort. I would suggest seeing a physical therapist or chiropractor and see what’s going on. Just to make sure we are not overdoing something. Because Yeah, people who are not exercising, they may have some muscles in balancing and like becoming active may trigger some issues. So yeah, trying to be cautious with that, too.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, yeah, I, I worked with a gentleman who was in his early 40s. He was a sprint triathlete, and he represented America for like, whatever they are like the sprint triathlete competitions.
And he was so strong and his legs and so fast, but his core was so weak, he couldn’t hold a one-minute plank. And you think this guy is representing America for like the age 40 to 45 for like sprint triathletes, he should be, you know, in phenomenal shape. But people forget that a lot of times people are only doing their specialties.
So he was only running, swimming, and biking. He wasn’t doing any other exercise. So he was only moving in that one plane of motion. And he didn’t do all those other exercises. So it’s important to work with your runners, I assume, and get all of those other exercises in to make sure that they’re still strong and still healthy.
Like you said, you have them doing dynamic stretches, which I’m sure they’re moving in other directions, right? They’re moving rotationally and doing those things. And I think, you know, for those trainers out there who are listening, just because someone’s in good cardiovascular shape, or just because they can run fast doesn’t mean that all their other muscles are strong, we still have to make sure that the whole body is complete, so to speak.
Liubov Lomonosova : Yeah, you’re totally right. And the same goes with those heavy-weight lifters, they may be strong in, in, in one area, but then it is not necessarily they can be strong in other areas. And it is very important to, as you said, train in different planes of motion just to make all muscles work evenly.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, and we always tend to stray away from the things that we’re not good at. So I am not flexible. And I hate yoga, but I need yoga. So I have to force myself, like you, like we talked about before I pay in advance for the yoga classes so that I go to them because I know that that’s what my body needs.
And I wouldn’t go unless I was financially invested in it. So let’s talk a little bit about some of the gadgets you touched on earlier. There’s you know, the Garmin watches, and there’s like heart rate monitors and all these things. I’m simple. I have a G shock watch, I’ll set a stopwatch, I’ll go on a run, that’s all I look at. I don’t look at my cadence, I don’t look at my heart rate and I don’t look at any of that stuff.
Maybe because I like naivety, the more you know, sometimes the Wilder it is but for somebody who is getting to that point where maybe they’re not just a beginner anymore, and they’re getting a little bit better. What are those? What are some of those things that they’re looking at?
Liubov Lomonosova : So I would say it will be good to have a watch that can measure cadence and some other running dynamics. Well, a heart rate monitor is very important I would say. For some workouts It is important for some workouts it can be neglected but still it is good to have it because it is a more accurate training can be and I can get a better sense of what was going on, especially for online coaching.
And there are some watches that tell you also like vertical Association ground contact time and all those things. And then it can give you an idea again about the form. Like, for example, I see a lot of beginners, they have a very low cadence, this information can tell me that they might be overstriding. And over striding, of course, leads to different kind of imbalances in the body, and then they might get injured at some point.
So for those people, I would point that out too, I will give some special drills. And we’ll say like, those drills will help you get your cadence better. Or for example, use metronome there are some watches that have metronome built-in. So I would say, for Ronnie, it is good to have a run-in watch, specifically, not Apple Watch. But running watch, because it is easily programmable because it is not just a, I don’t know steady or easier, Ronnie, and there are some interval training. So there are different goals for different workouts. And it is important to be able to program it.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, that’s good information. I had a client who was you know, starting out and had never run before her goal was to run a 5k she did it her goal is to run a 10k. And during the training between the 5k and the 10k. She started getting some issues, iliotibial band issues, some knee issues, all these things.
And it was just one small thing. she switched her Keydets. It wasn’t with me, she went to running code specifically and came back to me. And she changed her cadence her strides for too long, she was tall, like you, I think she was 511.
And he said, we you know, we have to change your cadence she was running, you know, I guess when you’re overstriding, then, you know, like you said, things start to compensate, you’re not landing on the right part of your foot when you’re tired, you’re less likely to run with good form. Because you know, now your legs aren’t doing the right things. And it’s those small fixes, but from the people who know what they’re doing, right. That’s why you work with a running coach, to make sure that you have that wholesale approach so that you can continue to run without injury.
Liubov Lomonosova : Yes, that’s true. Because also like with a different kind of writing techniques, there are some so many different issues can pop up, for example, people who run long distances, like let’s say, half marathon marathon, or even 10k, they cannot run on the toes, just because if your run on the on toes, you’re using more of your calth.
You can get cheap shin splints. For example, people who just land on a straight leg in front of their center of body mass with the heel, it’s like the whole show goes on the whole body. Then there are lots of problems that may arise. Yeah, even the knee at some point, when I started learning more about it, I noticed that I was doing that. And when I corrected it, I feel so much better. I went It is also sorry. It is also like running efficiency, like how much energy you’re wasting if you’re not running correctly.
Steve Washuta : I went to a running store about three years ago now. And they put you on a treadmill and they watch you run and they even have like chalk on your feet and see exactly how your feet land on the treadmill and assess all these things. And then they provide you with you know, whatever Brooks this was a book specific thing but whatever books that they felt were appropriate for, you know, the angle of which your foot was hitting and the type of strategy you had and things of that nature, do you recommend that for forget about just the financial investment but for the actual physical self for a new runner, do you recommend that or only for people who are very into running
Liubov Lomonosova : so I recommend all my runners first thing to go to an Iranian specialty store and get fitted for proper running shoes. Because when you’re not familiar with what’s going on with your feet, you can’t really buy proper running shoes, and there’s like a shoe for overpronation and for neutral pronation.
And then if you buy like this shoe that doesn’t work for you, it will lead to a lot of issues and then you have a lot of pain while running. So this is a number one thing to do because they can give you proper advice like at least overpronation shoes or neutral shoes. So yeah, it is very important. I think having a good running form. It’s a good thing, but I wouldn’t be overwhelmed. If you’re a beginner, you don’t want to have too much information because that’s what gets people confused too. So, some corrections and some cues can be given like gradually
Steve Washuta : yeah I think Well, speaking to what you just said, going to the running store, even for me, as a personal trainer, it was a lot at first it was a lot of information. But at the same time, there’s only two things that you’re using when you’re running your body and your shoes.
Don’t you want both of those to be in proper shape, right, it’s like, if you’re a golfer, you want to make sure that your golf clubs are fitted to the right size because it’s just your body in the golf club? So I think people underestimate how important the running shoe can be long term.
And then also, if your shoe happens to be the opposite of what you need, let’s say it’s not just sort of like a neutral shoe, it’s the exact opposite. Now you’re going to be doing harm to your body, instead of just doing nothing right. So now everything is being thrown off, and your body is compensating to fight back the other way against the shoe.
So I wouldn’t, I don’t know if that ever happens. But I assume that at some points, people buy a shoe because they like the shoe not knowing that it’s the absolute worst shoe they could have bought for running.
Liubov Lomonosova: So yeah, actually, you brought this up, and I remembered so I did. I did work in a Ryan specialty store a couple years ago in Austin, Texas. And it was a guy who came into the store and he had a shoe with high support. And he mentioned that I don’t know what’s going on. But every time I wear that you and I squat in this shoe.
And that was like, again, this was like running shoe and he was like squatting that you’re doing like gym stuff in that shoe. And then he said like that outside of his legs were painting. I was like, Okay, let me see. And like, of course, if you have a shoe that has support, it puts you outside.
So some muscles are getting shorter, and some muscles are getting lengthened and it draws the whole body away. And then I suggested he go with a neutral running shoe. And he was like, okay, magic. It’s, it’s gone. I feel good. I’m healthy again.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, I mean, the small simple things people don’t think about. It’s important to, to make sure that you have the proper equipment. There’s, there’s, again, there’s not a lot of things involved, you want to make sure that all of them are good. If you’re making pizza, you’re not going to have you know. Really good cheese and really good bread and then just buy bad sauce, right? You need all the ingredients to be working together in concert.
So we talked a little bit about common injuries. We talked about the gadgets and what to look for. And we talked about how new runners start out. Talked a little bit about advanced running. But I want to go more to finalize here into people. Who are really into running and really sort of working in towards the more advanced phases. You said you work a little bit with people as far as helping them build programs. But is there something in particular that you seem like issues with people. Even like yourself anecdotally, like muscles, or strength that you find limit limited when you’re only running. Things that you have to make sure that okay when I’m in the weight room. I’m doing these exercises, because running does not provide me with these things?
Liubov Lomonosova : Yes, I do. I actually exercise all the time, just because, you know, the training is just moving forward. Yeah. If you’re doing only one motion over and over again, some of the muscles will give up at some point. You need to make sure that everything works well. It is a good idea to train your running muscles just to make them stronger. But it is also very important to work on. Like other planes of motion do like moving into different directions doing different kinds of movements.
So, yeah, civilization, workouts are really good for balance. Just because, you know, you’re spending some time on one foot while you’re in some phases of running. So you need to make sure that your hips are strong to hold that your core strength to hold that. And here. So I built some basic, basic programs for my runners. To address those issues that are will be good for general for foreigners. And yeah, if we’re talking about myself, yeah, I right now, I’m doing periodization workouts by an ASM. So right now I’m still stable, endurance, working on little things, to make sure they are functional. And, yeah, I feel really good. And I’ve noticed that I have fewer different kinds of tightness in my body.
Steve Washuta : Yeah, that’s good information. And always good to know follow the old PT model, like you said and work through those phases. You know, I would add that you’re building up sort of postural muscles. I noticed at least with me, when I run my head, sometimes forward, there’s There’s leaning their shoulders around it.
Sometimes you can get away from it. You can think about it while you’re running and try to get in better posture.
But sometimes, you know, I enjoy running because I zone out. And I stopped and I turn the world off. When I do that, I don’t think about my posture.
So sometimes retroactively, when I come home, or the next day. When I’m working on things, I try to work on those postural muscles. Or I try to strengthen those upper back muscles and those muscles along the spine. And things of that nature and just stay conscious that you know. Running is like you said, We’re going in one direction more forward.
So we have to make sure that we’re opening up through our chest. And stretching those appropriate muscles to make sure we’re not too tight or forward head position. Yes, yes, yeah. 100%. Right.
So if anybody wants to find out more about your running programs. Whether it’s asking you as a personal trainer, and as a fellow, let’s say, run coach. About how you do things, or if people are actually looking to work with you, how do they find you?
Liubov Lomonosova: Usually on Instagram, I have links attached and I have also a website. Yeah, so those are two main sources.
Steve Washuta: I will list both your Instagram and your website for anybody who has any questions. Or wants to come to find you.
I appreciate your time. And hopefully, we’ll speak on a future truth podcast about some other wanting topic.
Liubov Lomonosova : Sounds good. I’m really excited.
Steve Washuta :
Thanks for joining us on the Trulyfit podcast. Please subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platform. Feel free to email us as we’d love to hear from you.
Thanks again!

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Helping Clients Run