
Fitness + Health + Wisdom + Wealth

TrulyFit: Fitness Business Solutions & Management Software

Is It Just About Getting Clients?

Obtaining clients is the central problem when you start an online fitness business, and each professional goes about this in their own way. There are many paths to go down to be successful in the process of getting and retaining clientele. However, things have changed quickly with the paradigm shift to online fitness.

Trainers are looking to shift business models, yet are confused on how to start an online fitness business. It doesn’t matter the prior years of experience in the health and fitness realm. It can feel as if everyone is beginning from the same place trying to make a name for themselves in this new online fitness world.

Let’s discuss some of the overlapping methods and the new technological shortcuts. We will go over 4 key topics; Online Fitness Market, Networking, Virtual Training, Online Fitness Software.

Online Fitness Market

The terms Market Analysis & Market Expansion are the key here. These are standard client recruiting and assessment tools used in all businesses. You may have heard these terms used to analyze markets for in person training. It’s purpose was to discuss general ways to understand who your clientele is and how to broaden your outreach.

The goal when one begins to start an online fitness business is no different. Is this process currently something you need to implement? Let’s find out by asking yourself these questions. You can interchange markets with online platforms or demographics:

  • 1. What markets am I currently reaching?
  • 2. What other markets exist for my services?
  • 3. What markets are easier to reach?
  • 4. What markets offer greater growth?
  • 5. What are the niches or fad markets?

Remember, you can replace the word “market” for “online platform” and answer these questions. Your responses will be the start to your transition into online fitness or further success in it. You should use this continuously throughout your career. It will allow you to form a centralized targeted attack on who potential clientele are for you and what areas you can improve


Forming an, “Inner Circle” through online mediums is even easier than it would be in person. This is extremely important in the fitness industry. Fit pros are faced with questions surrounding all topics of health. Some of these questions may be above your pay grade or out of your realm of expertise.

To keep clients valuing your opinion it is imperative you have connections in other related fields. Sports Medicine Doctors, Orthopedics, Physical Therapists, Life Coaches, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Self Defense Instructors, and many other branches from the tree of health & fitness.

There will always be overlapping health related questions and concerns that your clients will have. Understanding how these other pieces fit into that puzzle is vital in getting your clients get to their goals.

Additionally, creating relationships within the online health community allows you to gain more clientele. By reaching out to these professions you can create a networking inner circle of referrals and have them share your posts and pictures. For every client you refer out there will be just as many coming back your way. Moreover, these referrals are beneficial and necessary when you start an online fitness business.

5 Reasons Referring Helps When You Start an Online Fitness Business

  • – Referrals to a health expert in your online community conveys that you are connected, and thereby an authority in your realm of expertise.
  • – Upon receiving the referral, the health professional will keep you in mind to send referrals to you at a later time.
  • – Not stepping on toes is important. References show humility, and your client will appreciate you not working in areas that are not directly your expertise.
  • – Your specific degree/certification will likely have limitations and expectations attached to them. Liability will fall on you if someone’s health is affected from a direct result of you straying from those boundaries.
  • -The rule of 7. The more people see your name or business name the quicker you can achieve the like, know, and trust factor. This is all a part of the branding aspect & successful fitness marketing for business.

Traditionally, networking was done locally by referring people to other professionals in your area. With the online health marketplace booming and video appointments being the norm it has never been easier. Therefore, you can expand your networking based on need now rather than physical distance.

Using LikedIn and other social media platforms to connect with people you respect in the health and fitness industry is a must. Building these relationships is easier than ever. Additionally, they are also more important than ever as it speaks to your credibility.

Virtual Training

Zoom is the go to for personal trainers in the online virtual training hosting world. There are plenty of other options out there, but don’t worry too much about which one you decide on. The most important factor in virtual training is not the video hosting program. Getting accustomed to the differences in training clients virtually is where your focus should be.

Training in person, you may be use to demonstrating movements where clients can easily walk around you. That allows them to get the full 360 degree view of your body. They cannot do that virtually.

Get comfortable demonstrating the movement more often from all angles. In addition, verbal cuing is more important than ever before. With the likelihood of your client not having a perfect visual model of each exercise they need you cuing. Lastly, the fitness tools and space people have access can affect your exercise choices as a trainer. You have to be creative. You should also know in advance what fitness toys your client has access too. This ensures you can make a solid game plan ahead of time.

Online Fitness Business Software

First, let’s define and unpack what fitness business software typically is and what it does. One definition is, a centrally focused online platform that provides tools to assist professionals in running their online and/or in person fitness business.

Those tools will differ depending on the platform. However, the ultimate strategy of the platforms thus far are to help the provider (i.e. Personal Trainer, Nutritional Counselor, etc) run a professional business. Here is an in depth look at online fitness business software.

What are some of the tools that may be provided?

  • Scheduling
  • Payment structures
  • Client messaging
  • Workout builders
  • Video hosting

These are standard tools for online training business software. However, they neglect the most important assistance for the pro; GETTING CLIENTS! 

Start and Online Fitness Business With TrulyFit

TrulyFit was designed to allow fitness and health professionals to have all the aforementioned features. In addition, also dedicating active marketing dollars in getting customers to the site. Yes, that means TrulyFit is creating hot leads for fitpros to book!

This platform has the ability to schedule, book clients, host live workouts, have individual trainer profiles, one click in app/video purchasing, advertising, and so much more.

The cost for an individual trainer or pro? Zero. *TrulyFit pays to bring clients to you, and doesn’t charge you any upfront fees using the platform to run your business. Most importantly, our belief is that of a win, win, win.

  • You win by not having to focus on marketing and directing your energy into what you do best, helping others in the health and fitness realm.
  • The client wins by selecting from top level health experts who are not burdened by becoming marketing experts, but rather focused on their needs.
  • TrulyFit wins by growing a unique & helpful health fitness marketplace that evolves to suit both customers and providers needs.

Click HERE to sign up for FREE!

 *A percentage of your charges booked through the site will be taken. 



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