
Fitness + Health + Wisdom + Wealth

Cystic Fibrosis Marathon Runner – Bradley Dryburgh

Guest: Bradley Dryburgh

Podcast Release Date: 9/27/2021

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Steve Washuta: Welcome to the Trulyfit Podcast. I am your host, Steve Washuta. co-founder of Trulyfit and the author of Fitness Business 101. On today’s podcast, I speak with Bradley Dryburgh. As you know, I make it a point on this podcast to have guests that provide value for fitness and health professionals.

Whether it’s marketing techniques, fitness, business-based tax experts, pelvic floor physical therapists, you know, it doesn’t have to be specific to exercise but rather interconnected to the business of fitness as well. However, occasionally, I find it and actually more often. Recently, I find it really important to show the human side of fitness and health and not be so robotic.

We have to marry the skillsets of both business and building relationships in our industry to be successful. Bradley’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Bradley considers himself a storyteller, he is a podcaster. He’s a marathon runner.

He’s Australian, and he lives with a cystic fibrosis diagnosis. In this podcast, he’s going to discuss his story and how he lives with this diagnosis day to day how and why he decided to run marathons why he feels impelled to spread his story in his views.

And I loved every bit of this conversation. Trulyfit family. Meet Bradley. Bradley, thanks for joining the Trulyfit podcast. I know you are across the globe here. Much different time zones. It’s at night for me, it’s morning for you. Good morning to you. How about you give the audience a brief bio of who you are and what it is that you do.

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, good morning. Thanks for Well, good afternoon for you Thanks for having me. It’s um, it’s a pleasure to be here from down under the sunburn countries you guys call it over the air. But I guess a bit of a bio on me is I’m a pretty poor guy.

So I was once in the fitness world and fitness realm as a personal trainer that was a few years back now and found my way into the business world as a real estate agent, and selling property and doing that sort of stuff and worked in a few different places around the country. Before figuring out that I wasn’t fulfilled anymore.

I didn’t feel purpose in that and I didn’t feel driven and found meaning and conversation and storytelling and the power that a conversation can hold and working due to someone’s life when you reach the right people with those words and those stories and dived into the podcast space. And I’ve always been asking him my family or friends have always been a cha cha can chew the ears of anyone and sort of found myself into the space just sharing and talking and now you know nearly 100 episodes into my journey and just along the way just progressing.

I think when you find purpose and meaning in life, other things start to present themselves to when you find yourself discovering more about yourself and what you need to be doing to be the best human being you are. And I grew up with a condition I was born with it called cystic fibrosis which is a genetic illness that affects one in 25,000 newborn babies here in Australia and it basically affects the lungs, the digestive system and the endocrine system.

And for me that means liver disease and diabetic tendencies to when you know take 50 tablets a day a bunch of stuff to keep my lungs healthy and a few crazy moments of health chaos last year led me to realize that I turned into a bit of a dab rig I wasn’t looking after myself and I’ve gotten a little bit cozy sitting behind a laptop sharing conversation so I challenged myself to run a marathon and set up the charity of it I guess that’s the scope of where I’m at and hopefully helps us lead off on this conversation.

Steve Washuta: Sure well congrats on the marathon stuff and on the career transition because you know a lot of personal trainers are career transitioned from something else I started in sort of the business world and public relations and in finance, and then transition to the personal training and a lot of us do that so we know what it’s like to take the jump into something new and find a passion so that’s So congrats on that and then we’re gonna hop into the cystic fibrosis it shortly here.

I want you to go into that but just real quick Tell me about your experience is almost like your couch to marathon experience what was like the first week like did you have training partners what was the motivation and all that led into that?

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, so for me it was like I said, have a very sedentary life for a good year or two years beforehand. And I was a sprinter growing up like I competed at state athletics and 102 100 meter sprints and was quite, quite good over a short distance. But when it comes to the long-distance, I was not enjoying any single moment or any single kilometer of a long-distance run and it’s been about seven years since I’ve done any sort of long-distance running and that was just like a one-off Five 6k Ron with my sister.

And I’d sort of had a mate I just started getting out and walking a bit more. And I’m blessed. I live by the coast here in Australia. So I was done a few laps in the ocean pool of a morning and a mate said to me, why don’t you come and join like this little social group we’ve got every Sunday morning at 6am. We five K’s and then we have a coffee and a chat, just go and struggle through the run.

And I’ve done that for three weeks. And some of the third week I tried to try to get a two. So they had a Wednesday night session, I thought I’ll get a second 5k in because I thought I’m not struggling as much as I was the first week. So I’ll try to up the game a little bit and telling you I got home that night. I thought I’m not cut out for two, five K’s in a week, I was sore.

I was bad, but I rocked up again on Sunday and shown some resilience. And it was after that fourth run, I just didn’t feel right. Having a coffee with the boys and sort of felt a little bit loose in the lungs and said, I know like I’m pretty aware of my body and when something’s not right and found myself in the bathroom coughing up blood, try not to make a scene and I ended up in the hospital that day.

They sent me home as a writer stabilized and I ended up back there the next two days. On the third night i’d coughed up quite a bit of blood as you know, things like 2am 3am in an emergency. I’ll sit in there with my dad who used to be a runner back in the day. Not a Runner Runner, but he did some pretty crazy stuff. And he did a huge charity event. 23 years is before for cystic fibrosis Australia. And I was blessed that growing up my mindset was always you know, come across a hurdle. you recover, you find a way to get over it, you move forward and get better, you get stronger.

And I thought you know what I wish everyone was CF had this mentality because it can be quite a disease or disorder that’s surrounded by negativity, the stats don’t look good. Quite often the quality of life isn’t great for people with CF. I thought you know, what can I do now not just to recover for me, but to show people that CF doesn’t have to limit your life that you can do anything you set your mind to.

If you put in the work, and you’re patient, and you allow yourself to move through those hurdles, but understand that they will come. I thought, you know, how can I convey that message and it was, well, if I went from bleeding lungs in a hospital bed here in July, to the finish line of a marathon in December, I think that’d be a pretty good way to do it.

So I began and I had no idea how to do it, I had no idea what the journey look like, I was blessed that one of my podcast guests, who was an ex-rugby player here in Australia and over in Europe, Benny sable, had sort of transition from rugby into ultra-endurance running in, you know, on the muscular freak of nature, but I’m also no like sort of, like skinny, so like an endurance runner.

So I thought that’s a guy who’s gone from being quite a bigger fella and like, figured out how to adjust the body to be able to handle those long runs in the insurance. I was blessed that he was on board out of the goodness of his heart, the relationship we’d created to coach me through that process.

Sort of it started off in my first long run was like seven and a half K’s and I was like never run as far in my life. I don’t know how but somehow within the space of that four months, I just kicked every dollar I never didn’t get through around like I was able to get from seven to 25 K’s in five, six weeks. Guess it’s funny, I’ll put it down to like purpose, fueling progress.

I think when you have something that’s purpose driven, your body finds a way to get through it. It’s also it’s an endeavor that doesn’t have much meaning to it. It doesn’t do something for you internally, quite often, when you face those roadblocks or those barriers, you find a way to give up or you find a pretty quick reason to.

So for me, it was a journey of you know, just listening to the body and being a real student of the endurance game. Suddenly, I sort of figured it out pretty quickly

Steve Washuta: give the audience and I’m naive to this as well, sort of a more, I guess you would say medical or clinical background on exactly what you have. Because of course we know what cystic fibrosis is I think the general population does. But again, being naive to that terminology.

I always thought that that was something that people didn’t didn’t live past for 10 1112 years, I thought it was sort of a death sentence art sort of say that because of my naivety Can you explain other levels to cystic fibrosis? And what is the what is the day in a lifelike as far as what you have to deal with?

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, well, you know, like what you said there like, it is seen as something that is quite grim. And almost a death sentence where it was at least, you know, I was born with cystic fibrosis. It’s something that you can’t, you don’t get it later on in life, either born with it the people that are diagnosed later in life, it’s okay.

That being missed and not being tested correctly for but I was born really healthy like seemingly healthy was Guthrie’s test where they prick the foot at three weeks old that determined I had cystic fibrosis and basically what CF is, and I’m no doctor here either, but I do my best to describe it. It is a missing gene that helps transport salt and water to the cells. Now you have mucus when you think of mucus, you think of like your nasal passages in your lungs, but mucus moves through the whole body.

And without that salt and water, it can’t move freely gets thicker and stickier, and tends to sit on the ducks in the organs and stasis harbors infection that makes it easy for infection. To catching the pancreas is always quite insufficient with people with CF where nearly everyone with cystic fibrosis will take digestive enzymes to eat food.

Now, I’ll sort of explaining and digress a little bit here there are a number of different genetic mutations that come with CF, which basically range in the degree of severity. And I’ve got the worst one, which is delta f 508 to those genes. And that just means that sort of a few extra things come with it. So my pancreas doesn’t work.

So I take every time I eat something with protein or fat in it, I have to take digestive enzymes because my body’s not producing the naturally, I was diagnosed with liver disease at the age of nine, just because the same thing as you know, mucus passes through those organs, doesn’t allow them to function properly, which means the liver and the splain tend to get quite enlarged and struggle a little bit.

And a third as well as sort of you when you go on through the thick of pure puberty and your body needs more insulin to grow. And it’s really trying to grow like you get trying to in my body just didn’t have enough insulin. So my blood sugar were skyrocketing and was wondering, I wasn’t putting on weight and was tired. You know, a few females of insulin in the morning seem to do the trick.

I actually grew out of that at like 1819 once I didn’t need that much anymore, sort of as you’ve developed and you know, you pass through that puberty stage. So there’s a broad range of things that are happening with CF, and there are still some other things in my body, like my softening of viruses can fill up with a bit too much blood. So going for a procedure every 12 to 18 months to deal with that.

But I’m blessed. I’m one of the very few that have this quite under control. And we’re living in an age where we spoke about before this life trusting health professionals in modern medicine is incredible. I take 50 tablets a day, every day, that allow me to function to, to thrive to keep growing and feeling better and healthier.

And there are some real, really exciting developments in the drug space for cystic fibrosis that are going to excuse me that are going to probably say 90% of people with this condition, live longer and more fulfilling lives, which is a really exciting time. And a lot of people in the US and the UK are starting to get access to those drugs. One in particular called try cafta. We’re at a stage in Australia where we’re always a little bit behind on the rest of the world with that stuff, but they’re starting to get that out for compassionate access to patients who are struggling.

But there’s so much You know, when I look at CF and the thing that I’ve been blessed with is to incredible parents like the most incredible parents in the world and I’m 25 now so you know it’s up to me to continue to, to do the right things for myself. But when they had me they knew nothing about CF It was very new to them.

They found themselves in a doctor’s surgery speaking to a CF specialist who said he suddenly would be better off with a terminal illness that would kill him or he’d get over it, this is gonna ruin his life. And they refuse to believe it. They walked out they found another doctor who had a, I guess a really good outlook on life and the things you can be doing to prevent and to make sure that you get the most out of your time here and the most out of a CF and because of that always you know State Athletic champion growing up and I’ve done all the right things like I exercised a lot and that’s the best thing you can do for CF to move your lungs to get them open.

Like exercise arms, little lung physiotherapy stuff we can do so breathing against resistance in like a kind of like a puffer style thing that pushes air back through your lungs and moves that or resist to open up the airways in the lungs is so much you can be doing. And a lot of the time people don’t do that unless it’s sick, where we decided, well, we’re always going to do that. Because why wait, when you can just prevent that from happening. And so I had a very healthy childhood, probably up until the age of 18 years of age where if you told me I didn’t have CES, I would have agreed with you.

Steve Washuta: I try to when I hear these great stories, I try to somehow like repurpose them to help Personal Trainers in some way. And I think what I got from your story so much but one major thing is when somebody has a diagnosis, the Last thing you want to do is try to treat them with kid gloves. So your parents did quite the opposite, right? They go, No, my son is fine. He’s gonna make it and you didn’t treat yourself with kid gloves. You said, No, no, I’m going to be a state champion, I’m going to run.

And it’s so important. I work with a lot of movement disorders, so Parkinson’s and things of that nature. And the last thing they want is to be treated easily, right? They don’t want you to give them a light workout, they want you to challenge them, because they do have other areas of their life where people go, Oh, they have this disorder, I have to sort of taking it easy. And I think it’s important to number one if you have this, I’m sure you’ll speak to this surround yourself with people who are not going to do that.

But number two, secondly, if you’re a personal trainer, and you’re working with someone, if someone comes to you, do your research, right, find out about it, make sure that obviously, you’re not going, you know, past any limitations, regardless of disorder or not, right, we have to push people only to their limits, not past them all the time. But we have to make sure that we are treating people like anybody else, that there isn’t there the limitations are only within themselves, and that we can continue to work hard.

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, I agree, Steve. And like for me, it was like it was a badge of honor to have CF and to be able to beat everyone every animator. It was like, well, I wasn’t supposed to be able to do anything.

But I’m competing at the highest level, and I’m beating people, like, what’s their excuse? Because I don’t have any. Yeah, and I think that’s just the way you’ve got to look at it, right? Like we all like, it doesn’t matter whether you’re born with something we all at one stage in our lives face some sort of adversity like we live in a world now, where mental health, you know, takes quite an effect on so many people, like for somebody with depression or anxiety or something like that, that may affect them more than what CF what affects me.

Like it’s you can’t put these things in a box and measure how much it should affect someone or how much is going to or, you know, how much things should change. I think you just work from where you’re at. And I was blessed that I set up a really good base and foundation of mentality at an early age has come from my parents and my sister and the people around me like, my mates weren’t gonna run slower to let me beat them.

Like, it’s and it’s just surrounding yourself like you said, that environment in that circle, where if your mentality is, let’s just make the most of whatever situation I’m in, then you find ways to rise above it when things aren’t as easy as they were.

Steve Washuta: Yeah, very well said. So let’s get into a little bit of that, that training. Did you find it? Of course, it was difficult. But did you find it to be completely unique in this endurance training, from your past experiences, but sprinting from your past experience with working out was endurance training unique, like, like any other training?

Bradley Dryburgh: Yes, so much different, um, probably those two, there are probably two things that were really noticeable. For me, the first was like, because I’d had the blades in the lungs just before starting this prep. The first like four or three weeks of training, I sort of finished a long run and usually cough up a decent amount of blood.

And I think that was just not at times, but just sort of getting used to that and adjusting and understanding Okay, my body, I need to I guess longer sessions. But also, the biggest thing for me is was to see if there is it’s pretty much common and everyone has CF so you lose a lot of sodium. So I was losing like three times more salt than the average person would in an exercise session. So any insurance athlete knows the importance of sodium.

And I was wondering why I was hydrating so much before, but really struggling to like rehydrate later in the day. So I could finish, say a 15k run. At the time, when that was like my biggest runs and the most I’d ever been out on my feet for I’d find I’d come home and I could be drinking so much water, but it wasn’t in the body.

I started to learn I actually found a guy who has CF as well from Perth over here in Australia, and he’d done some marathons. He gave me sort of a suggestion on having roughly like 900 to 1000 milligrams of sodium before a long run. I tried that. Straightaway I was like I’m holding my water better, I feel better on these long runs.

It was that that journey of experimentation, I think when you’re trying something new, and especially with the nutrition side of it, the training can kind of be catered and calculated. But nutrition is so interpersonal like it’s different for everyone.

And I just found what works. And I guess the hardest thing in the body sense of things was just learning that not every session has to be extremely difficult. Like if you’re doing a long run. It should be quite a nice relaxed pace like keeping the heart rate within a certain zone. body to get in grooves in understanding that that actual zone to have heart rate on a long run is far more beneficial for building aerobic capacity than just being completely tax like you’d like to be on a one to five session interval session or like the smaller run.

And it’s just learning those things. And a lot of it comes from the ego, like, I’m a bit of a Strava buff I love. I don’t know if you guys use too much Strava over there,

Steve Washuta: but we do. Yeah. It was originally in America just for cyclists, and then it’s moved over to runners maybe like three years ago.

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, will and all my mates, we love to get on Strava and throw a few kudos around and keep tabs on each other, to see what everyone’s doing.

And you can kind of get caught up in that, like, I can’t, like I’m looking at my long run pace today on my Garmin and I’m a little bit slower than I was last week, called The boys are gonna notice that like, I need out this a bit and I just had to get out of my head and just go Okay, this is my journey on this Bob myself and figure it out.

And I guess that’s like anything gets if you remove the ego you find, you find a way to find exactly where you need to be in the journey you need to be on.

Steve Washuta: Well, like any journey, people after the journey like to help other people who they know are potentially going through that. So is your current. The next step, potentially helping people who have CF, go through the same process and try some running or some long-distance running or just helping runners, in general, has had nothing to do with CF? Is this something you do or want to do?

Bradley Dryburgh: I’m looking at, it’s funny because I’m no expert. Still, I’m still learning so much. I look so I’m learning so much again this year. There’s so much that I look back on last year and go, Wow, I wish I knew this then like I wish I knew how my body responded to this or this kind of stimulus back then because I would have felt so much better. Like even yesterday, I ran a 27k. I felt incredible, I’ve never felt so good in the long run before. That was after a huge deadlift session on Monday.

Like, after a couple of really solid weeks of running. So I’m starting to learn my body starting to adapt, but I’ve still stuck such a student of this and, and I don’t think I’m ready, or I don’t even think I’m on wanting to be a teacher, per se or a trainer. I think for me what I’d more so like to get across is just the message of resilience and purpose.

Like if you find something that you love, and that means something to you. Especially for people we see efforts, it’s not so much running the messages. Just find something like, whether that’s cycling, swimming. Whether it’s boxing, being in the weight room, find something, attach yourself to a purpose-driven goal. Just pursue it and I just want to show people that it’s not so much the sport you do. With the way that you do it. It’s just being with that mindset, that like nothing’s impossible.

And, you know, if I had listened to all of the things that people had said to me. Over the course of 25 years, I’d be sitting in bed here with Netflix on feeling sorry for myself. So I think it’s more so the mentality and to show people what’s possible. And that’s why I’m doing the altar and disembark because everyone knows I’ve been doing marathons now. So I’ve got to prove what’s possible again. And I think I’ll just continue to push myself. And hope that it can be something that allows others to see where they can be to.

Steve Washuta: Well, that’s a that’s a fantastic message. And I can tell you if you do decide to be a running coach or a coach of any sort. I know you’re obviously in that space where you want to be a leader and a mentor. You obviously have all the skills and I will tell you that knowing the nuances of running. Right, being an expert on exactly you know, the training regimens. And what heart rate variability you should use beforehand. All that stuff that just comes with time, right?

What you need to do is care about your clients. If you’re any sort of coach or mentor a trainer first. And then all of that stuff comes because if you care about your clients. You’re going to want to do your due diligence. Going to want to read you’re going to want to get those books. You’re going to want to go out and do the exercises yourself. To make sure you can pass on the anecdotal experiences to your clients.

So it is important that you know, I’m speaking to everybody. That you know, whether you’re a trainer, a coach, a mentor, whoever you are. That, you know, the first thing that you have is the passion to help people. The secondary thing is the knowledge, the knowledge will come over time.

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, that’s a really good point. And I agree with that. I think it’s not it’s like I said before, like purpose fuels progress. And that’s not just in yourself individually, but in the people, you have around you. And when you really care about the direction they’re moving in, you find ways to make things work. So

Steve Washuta: So tell me a little bit about the sort of like ultra-marathons. And like the extreme endurance running are there. Can you just sort of like pay your way into these races? You have to work your way into these races in place. How does this work? Well,

Bradley Dryburgh: I don’t know too much about that side of things. Because all of these events I’ve created myself. So my theory was Yeah, my theory was last year with COVID being sort of rampant everywhere in the world. I was watching as I guess marathons were canceled, relevance was canceled.

So my idea was if I’m going to run a marathon, and I run my own. And make it an event that proves to people what’s possible in the CF space. And so I call it 42. For CF a kind of 42.2, for CF didn’t have the same ring. So it’s like people will get it. I had contact with cystic fibrosis Australia, a foundation over here, who runs all of our fundraising. All of the education, research and development and advocacy of new drugs in Australia. I can imagine you’ve got a US body over there, too. Who actually believe are quite closely tied in with our crew in Australia.

And they actually reached out to me, I have a Facebook and said, Hey, we heard about this event. Instead of making it you and a couple of mates running around the park. Why don’t we endorse it and we’ll make something really special. And we did we end up raising $56,000. And the couple months that we had to prepare, and it was a low-key event. Like there were 13 of us that ran and a couple 100 that was their luck supporting in the crowd. And we had, you know, by people on bikes, nutrition, and hydration.

And so that’s 42 for CF was born and it’s become something again this year. That was actually the first official marathon in our hometown here in Wollongong last year. So we’re doing that again this year in October. So that’s the map that we’re prepping for this year. Just with a few more runners, and I’m gearing up to make it a bigger thing. And then the ultramarathon was it’s like you said before you surround yourself with good people, right?

But unfortunately, when you surround yourself with a bunch of guys who love running. Some crazy ideas start to get thrown around. Which is exciting, but scary at the same time. Because you often get dragged into them. And one of the boys said to me, Hey, why don’t we do? He’s running the Melbourne marathon tonight. They’re sending him down there in October as well. And he said I can’t run your event because I’ve got to do that.

However, why don’t we do something a little bit crazier in December on the one-year anniversary of last year’s marathon? And I said, What do you have in mind? And he said, Well, there’s this place in Wollongong here. It’s called lighthouse Hill. Lighthouse Hill is sort of like a sort of hilly section that goes up quite steeply.

Then comes down quite gradually and just loops around. He said, Oh, what about 100 laps of lighthouse hill? I said, How far is that? He said, 57 Ks. And I was like, Yeah, that sounds good luck, let’s jump on it. We’ll make it December, we’ll make an event out of it, you know. A fair bit of elevation to which will be a nice challenge. But also just the monotony of running for 100 laps in the same direction.

And then we announced it, and he said, Oh, I actually just done the math. It’s about 64 K’s. I was like, Well, we’ve announced it now. We’re in for 64 hours. So that’s kind of how that came about. And the same thing we just spoke to CF Australia and we said we use it as extra fundraising. Sort of like an extra fundraising run and saving get it up to 100 grand in donations this year. And, and that will like it go to some crazy stuff and keep raising money and spreading awareness.

So you know, they’re happy for me to keep doing this crazy stuff. And I’m excited like for me, it’s a real challenge issue. Will be like ending on the solid run the marathon on October 16. Like recovering properly. Because you obviously want to get there not just run a marathon but like. Give it your best crack and have a real go at like improving your time from last year. And I’m not fast by any means. If anyone checks me out on Strava, you’ll say I’m a pretty crazy runner.

But the challenge will be like having that six or so we send between events. Where it’s like how do I recover from a marathon and now trained to be even in even better shape. For more incline and you know, another 20 odd K’s in so I think for me. It’s kind of a mix of like a session on the back. Into a session running just to like fatigue the muscle. But keep the joints healthy and like and these are all new experiences that I’m looking forward to diving into. Hopefully getting the body a little bit lighter and a little bit more endurance dialed in.

Steve Washuta: Well, I would recommend that you might already be doing this. But document that journey because I’m sure there’s going to be other people. Even if it’s not the two same exact events who have some sort of, you know, like long endurance events. That are only six weeks apart and they’re thinking about in advance. How exactly they’re going to pair up repair down training and go about the recovery process. So I’m sure you know you documents that will be a big help for people. That’s part of what you do is obviously you help people so

Bradley Dryburgh: and so I’ll be the crash test dummy for anyone who’s keen.

Steve Washuta: Well, Bradley, it looks like professional goals wise, you have them down the road here. Your physical goals, you have them all of that stuff is tied up. We talked a little bit about that. But I’m gonna ask you the hard question here.

You know, 510 years out. Where do you see yourself exactly what do you think that you’ll be doing? What would not surprise you if you were in that space? 10 years from now?

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, like what you said there what would not surprise you. Because it’s really hard to say where I see myself. Because I’m one of those guys whose mind is like the season’s changes so drastically and dramatically all the time.

But what I know is that I’ve never been happier or more purpose-driven. Or there’s never been a better feeling inside of me. Then when I’m sharing the really powerful story in conversation. Whether that be parts of mine or parts of others.

And what I envision is to be someone on a global scale. Who can be up on a stage be behind a mic, or in front of someone on a screen. Sharing the stories they’re going to allow them to see or they can be in their life. And, you know, we hear it all the time, but life is short. But I think we forget that we only get one of them, right? It’s like how many chaotic health moments. Or how many, really crazy life experiences that remind you of your mortality DNA. Before you actually go out and experience life like it is your last.

And I just want to share that message with people and for me. I don’t know what the vehicle to that is, like I said. It could be like in a podcast space, it could be on a stage. But I just want to be around the world sharing those things. Continuing to challenge myself physically, like, there’s a quote that I love. And it’s a rich man has many problems, a sick man has one.

And I never want to be that sick man with a Will you know. With that one problem, again, of finding their health. So being on this journey of continuing to challenge me and get the most out of my body. And the blessing that I have to, you know, I see CF as a matter of blessing. It’s an incredible teacher. And it’s given me a story that I will inspire people the world over. If I continue to do what I’m doing.

So I think in five or 10 years to be in a position where just everything I’m doing now. Is on a larger scale. The more people I’m speaking to, the more people have a positive opportunity to impact. And I like to think I’m a creative show or two. So hopefully doing some things in a creative directive space. Where I get to work with big brands and big names. To make really special moments on film or on the mic.

Steve Washuta: Well, I think you’re halfway there at least and throw a coat at you. Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. And you’ve already completed a lot of marathons, but you’re well on your way to more than that. And, again, quite the inspiration, it’s a fantastic story. How do we get people to find out more about your story. To potentially donate to any of these CF-related races or other things that you do? What is the best way for them to contact you directly or to just view your content?

Bradley Dryburgh: Yeah, look, the heart of everything I do, comes off the back of my Instagram. It’s gonna there are links in my bio to the fundraising pages. On the YouTube channel and the podcast. So my last name is a little bit tricky, but I spell it out if you just search Bradley j. Just the letter J, and then Dryburgh. Which is DRYBURGH. On Instagram, you see me there.

And that’s where I post everything and you know, document a lot of the running stuff. Just a lot of my life. And I guess for some of the US followers, which I’m sure you have. Many of you can say what the fellas are doing down under. And the kind of life that I’m living to make all these things happen. So if anyone gets behind it, I’m really grateful. And I really appreciate everyone who comes along on the journey.

Steve Washuta: Well, I will link and write all of that stuff in the description as well as on Instagram. And then tagged you on all the things that we released, including the podcasts and all of that stuff. So I’m sure the viewers will obviously check in and hopefully donate and if they can. To any of these races and causes and just and then follow Bradley and his journey. It’s quite inspirational. Bradley, thank you for joining the tilicho podcast.

Bradley Dryburgh: Thank you so much. I just want to say I really appreciate you reaching out to me to have me on here. To share my story. It’s a privilege and anytime I get to do that, and I don’t take it lightly. And I love all that you’re doing and the positive inspiration that you’ll be to so many people. Who sit on the other end of this video or audio or wherever they tune into the chili fit podcast. Thank you so much.

Steve Washuta: Thanks for joining us on the Trulyfit podcast. Please subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platform. Feel free to email us as we’d love to hear from you.

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