Fitness Marketing Tips – Daisy Bravo

Guest: Daisy Bravo
Release Date: 12/6/2021
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Steve Washuta: Welcome to the Trulyfit Podcast, I am your host, Steve Washuta, co-founder of Trulyfit and author of Fitness Business 101. this month is going to be filled with all marketing conversations I interview health and fitness and nutrition professionals and coaches and personal trainers. And we talk about their marketing.
Why exactly they chose what website they chose? Do they use a particular social media templates when they reach out to people to try to gain clientele? How exactly did they pick the colors out for their sites? Was there? Was there a micro strategy involved? Long term? Did they hire up a fitness business coach of some sort to help them out? Or any sort of business coach? Do they use popup messengers on their sites, all of the little nuances.
And actually, you know the big and small where we’re looking big picture, we’re diving into the to the small my new details here. And across the month, all these podcasts are going to be the same insofar as the questions I ask, but what’s unique is the answers I get back from all of the different professionals.
So again, great tidbits and tips from all of our health and fitness professionals who are going to be talking about marketing. We’re starting off with Daisy Bravo, you can find her at everything that’s strong mom’s fitness pretty much across the board, that’s our website, strong dot mom’s dot fitness will be her Instagram, DC was a fantastic conversation.
Again, go to her website, and check out her stuff, she has such a clean, slick look to everything. It’s also, you know, the way she engages her audience, I think is fantastic as well. I just want to give a quick shout-out here to our new listeners.
Thanks for tuning in here. And remember, the Trulyfit podcast is a marketing arm of the bigger Trulyfit marketplace platform that’s going to be launched soon. But the podcast itself, we’re always interviewing anybody who is interconnected with the health and fitness community who is going to benefit our audience by answering some questions that are relevant and timely.
So it could be something like how do we protect ourselves from cybersecurity threats? And then I find a cybersecurity expert to come on. It could be how do we deal with clients who were post-pregnancy and I find a postpartum pregnancy or pelvic floor therapist. So I’m finding the best of the best to come on to talk about topics that are relevant for personal trainers and fitness professionals and health professionals but also for the general population, right?
This is nutrition, its health, its fitness, the general population, you can also listen to this and take a lot from it. With no further ado, we have some great marketing talk here with DC Bravo, not easy. Thanks for joining the Trulyfit podcast. Why don’t you tell the audience a little bit about yourself and what exactly you do in the health and fitness realm? And how it is that you got into it?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Thank you. I’m so glad to be here. Thank you for having me today. And I think for any trainer, that is kind of a loaded question of the journey, you know, I’ve always been in the health and fitness realm and have always participated in sports growing up. I think I was I grew up in Canada.
So I think I must have been somewhere around, you know, just after I learned to walk, I was on hockey skates. You know, starting from that, I’m always doing some sort of activity, I really enjoyed individual sports, as well as team sports too. I got introduced in the gym, probably when I was about 14 or 15, just kind of at the tail end of middle school. I started doing some weights, mainly because I wanted to kind of keep up with a smaller kid. So I you know, I want to keep up with some of the bigger kids.
And I was a swimmer at the point, this point and I was doing some competitive swimming. So I decided to pick up some weights. That just kind of opened up a whole new world for me. You just really met some amazing influential people. I really saw my performance skyrocket when I started to include some, you know, weight training into my you know, competitive practice.
So, you know, from there, he really just kind of manifested I was pretty much the only girl in in the high school weight room. And it was a really interesting perspective. But I did start to compete in like pound per pound competitions. And really I spent a lot of my time in high school thinking about, Well, where am I going to take this? My focus an undergrad was Kinesiology.
And it kind of led me to where am I going to go from here? Am I going to be a Jim teacher am I going to just spend my time training clients. You know, right out of high school, and even as an undergrad, I took my first personal training certification. On the side, and you know, while I was in school, I was training clients. As a new, as a new trainer, it’s always very interesting, because you’re learning the ropes, you’re learning who you want to work with, and what you want to do. It was probably pretty early on, I ended up working for a female-only gym in Canada.
It was an interesting demographic because we did have, we had the women that had never worked out before, and were intimidated to go to a co Ed gym. And, you know, when I saw a lot of them, leave co Ed gyms, especially women that were pregnant or newly postpartum, because they were struggling with, with working with a trainer that understood what was going on, I think a lot of them either felt like, trainers didn’t take them into consideration, or trainers kind of treated them like they were a leper, something like that, you know, they’re like, I don’t know what to do.
And, and it’s understandable because a lot of, you know, just your basic training does not teach you much about that population, how to handle that population. Or the kind of like, you know, kind of grace around it, and don’t give you the full picture of, you know, how to train that client. So I was that trainer, I was kind of the, I kind of ignored the fact that my clients were pregnant or postpartum, most of my clients came to me because they wanted weight loss. I did that. I learned soon after that I was injuring my, you know, my clients, and I kind of learned the hard way.
Through that, I’ve kind of made that my life’s work to focus on, you know, really, that pregnant postpartum woman, and helping them and giving them the building blocks and the information that they need to, you know, work with any, you know, goal or plan that they have for themselves, you know, long term, if they want to be competitive, we can work with that. If they want to do something like CrossFit, I’m going to get you there.
I don’t like to put people in box and limit them. But I like to give people building blocks. So I, that’s pretty much where I have started. And that’s kind of where I’ve focused my efforts at this point is really working with that, and empowering that female, pregnant and postpartum clients. So that’s kind of my journey at this point.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, and you’re completely correct concerning personal trainers, not really having the background of working with people who are pregnancy or postpartum. The, I guess the two or three things they tell you is don’t introduce new exercises, kind of be a little bit more careful when they’re in prone or supine, but outside of that, it’ll give you a lot of information.
And part of that is because maybe it’s is more nuanced. And there isn’t a lot of general information to give you because you have to look at each individual client. But you know, I’ve learned more during this podcast over the past year, about training people who are pregnant or post-pregnancy than I have in my entire personal training career just from listening to experts, like you who have worked with people, whether it was Nikki Bergen, Haley kava, Linda Lipin, these people who dedicate their lives to this and it’s, it’s fantastic.
There should be a specialty in which people who are postpartum are working with trainers who know a little bit more or I should say a lot more about how to work with them because it’s so nuanced, right? Whether you have a C section, or whether you have you know, issues post birth with sort of nerve damage and then obviously the one thing that people will tell you is, are the general practitioners don’t do anything for six weeks well, now we know that’s wrong, right? Just like if you can get out of adult hip surgery, they have you up in two hours walking around and you should be doing something little by little blitz pregnancy.
But you know, that’s that’s neither here nor there the topic of conversation today it’s gonna be a little bit different I’m sure we’ll at the end some other pregnancy tips and some tips that you can give to trainers who are working with pregnant clients. But really why I had you on here today is because your website and your design and your marketing is so clean and it just got to be right away.
I think it’s so well done everything from your link tree to your podcast site to just little things that you do like we’re going to talk about like the messenger pop-up that you have, so I want to get into it right away. What was your sort of macro marketing goal right away? Did you have any little bit of background in it? Did you investigate or see someone else’s website you tried to copy off of how How did you get started?
Daisy Bravo: Sure, I, that’s a very interesting question. Because just like any trainer, you know, most of us don’t start out with business in mind, we go in full, you know, full force with our heart, we want to help, you know, our ideal person, you know, maybe your strength coach, you know, maybe your Olympic lifting coach, whatever, you know, whatever you specialize in, you have a passion for this end goal that you help clients achieve.
And that’s where I came from, is, I really just truly deep down inside, I wanted to help educate women, on, you know, how they should be exercising, and what they should, you know, their considerations, and we did talk about that a little earlier. So I didn’t come from a business background, I didn’t really know where to begin.
And I’m sure most trainers are, you know, in this perspective, especially when you go, and this is probably common for a lot of us in the last 18 months or so or more now, is we’ve had to step away from the brick and mortar gyms, in trying to establish ourselves online and find an online presence.
So, you know, I started my online business, prior to, you know, all these lockdowns and things like that, mainly because I had done a movie, I had moved from Florida to Colorado, and I didn’t have any clients. When I had moved, I was starting fresh. And the power of online, of course, gives you the ability, I can work with someone, and I’ve got a couple clients in Australia, some in Japan, some in Germany, and online allows you to do that. So and I think that’s going to be the trend or the wave.
I think for a lot of your listeners, this is the time to get yourself in now. Because you’re going to see online is just going to, I think it’s going to blow up and you want to make sure that you make your mark as soon as possible before this market gets even more saturated than it already is. Of course, we know all those big-name trainers that have these huge websites, following apps, you know, podcasts, things like that.
So now it’s kind of time for everyone else to start getting into it. And so when I went in with it, I didn’t know what I was doing at all. I, you know, I feel like I’m pretty good with the computer and pretty good with technology. But I’ve dabbled with a few websites, in my, you know, high school days and undergrad days. But I really never made it into a business. So this is the first time kind of jumping in.
So it’s probably been about two years for me since I actually started really promoting and starting the business. And so I started really easy. And I wanted to make this as simple as possible. Of course, when you’re a trainer. You want to spend your time with clients. Of course, everyone has that standard, you know, you’ve got your 5am client, and then you’ve got your evening clients. So where are you spending your time is really important. If it’s not sleeping, eating and prepping food, you really want to be efficient with building your website, so and your marketing and your media.
I really just started as simple as possible. So I really encourage people when starting a business, pick two things to focus on. And then you can branch off, you know, as you’re established. So I started out with I actually started out with three things. I started out with a blog, I started out with Pinterest, and I started out with a YouTube channel and all with the goal to get people into my website. So I really started very small.
I started with marketing. That is one. Look at something like an Instagram post. Not everyone sees them and they’re gone in a couple of hours they’re gone and your feed, you can’t find them again. So I really focus on something like Pinterest, which you make one pin, and I’m still getting people. I put pins up two and a half years ago, and people are still clicking those pins to my website. Same with my blog, I’ve focused on, you know, getting Google to, you know, kind of respond to my website. I’m using a lot of keywords that drive traffic. So really start with basically a basic foundation and then kind of build upon it from there. That answers your question.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, yeah, totally. And I think, you know, to add to that, one of the reasons why you start you know, website is because the longevity of that website is one of the algorithms in which your website’s going to be brought to the top. And what I mean by that is, if you just made your website yesterday as opposed to four years ago You’re going to rise up in the search rankings, just having your website having been made four years ago.
So it’s important to have that in the background. And almost like a podcast, it’s not the sort of immediate, you’re not going to see immediate results from that. But it’s good that it’s building in the background. And I want to, you know, just sort of echo some of your other thoughts, which I thought were really important that eventually, you need to be on all platforms because you don’t know where people are going to be searching for you.
So you need to have even if it’s a little bit of a presence, on LinkedIn, and on Instagram, on Pinterest, and on Facebook, wherever, because you don’t know where someone can come across you. And you don’t want to leave any of those, you know, windows closed, for lack of a better term. But when starting out, if you’re trying to do 12 different things, you’re going to get none of them done. So it’s a great point, he said, Go pick two things out and try to semi specialize it and then really put good content and all of your energy and effort into those few things.
Daisy Bravo: Absolutely. And I really utilize using content, I’ll create one piece, and I’ll put it everywhere instead of creating new content for everything and, and that’s why I really actually like podcasting is I make my podcast and for my podcast, it goes to a blog on my website, they put the transcript there, I have, you know, all the links. Then I also actually, I do video, my podcast and it goes on YouTube.
People that are scrolling around YouTube, maybe they use and I really try to keep great titles of my podcasts that someone would search for. So like a question. So I like to form a lot of my podcast episodes as questions that someone would probably type in on Google.
That will increase the chance that someone’s going to find me on YouTube, find me on Pinterest somewhere else because I basically have taken that episode, I’ve put it on Pinterest, I’ve put it on Facebook, I’ve gone Facebook Live with it, I’ve made a reel out of it, and just all from that one podcast episode. So I think multi, you know, finding a way to use your content and various platforms is really important, it’s gonna save you time too.
Steve Washuta: So important. Great point, I do the same thing. I put the podcasts on YouTube, I don’t put them all on YouTube. Some of them I do, and some of my phone ends on a lot of factors. But I need to take clips from the video component and then put them in my, my story feeds for Instagram or us as Instagram posts and things of that nature.
In addition, I also do the transcriptions I use something called otter AI, with a bunch of those websites out there, I pay I think $9 a month for like Unlimited, basically, transcription rocket, upload the podcast and go, some of them charge maybe 20 cents a minute with different ways you can go about it.
Like you said, having one piece of content, I have a book behind me fitness business one on one my 75 pages, you know, I can still to this day, take content from that book and repurpose it on some sort of Instagram. So a long, long, long, sort of form of content, like a blog or a book or something. It’s also great because you can use it for years.
Daisy Bravo: Cool. Yeah, it’s definitely important and saves so much time, really fast. If you’ve got a wheelhouse you’ve got, you know, a message you’re really trying to push, there are a million ways you can say it. Sometimes it takes. I don’t know the statistics, I think it’s like people that are listening to your message need to hear it, I think it’s like seven or eight times before they actually get it and they actually take action.
If you just put one post on something like Instagram and expect a flood of clients to want to work with you. It’s really unrealistic, especially in this day and age, everyone’s got their scrolling, add, we got to go on to the next post. Most people are missing your message. So you just got to come at the same message multiple times for people to finally start getting an understanding of what you’re all about.
Steve Washuta: So I love your website. It’s super clean, easy. I just feel like you know, sometimes you open up a website and you get lost, you don’t know where to click, there’s too much you get out of it or things are confusing and just not intuitive. I feel like yours has all of that. Right? It’s,intuitive, it’s easy, it’s clean, it’s sort of purpose-driven.
I’m not sure which website service you use. I know I use Squarespace when I started and a lot of people use Wix. Those are good and bad. They’re good because they’re very, very, very easy to use. They’re bad because the number of things you can do with them are very limited because they’re more template bass. What service did you use and why did you pick it?
Daisy Bravo: Yeah, absolutely. And you kind of made your point right there. When I was first I made my first website and I think I must have been 14 or 15 and my first website I actually dabbled with just the this was before all your fancy web builders.
He attempted to learn code. I had two websites one was all about snowboarding. Then the second was all about concert listings in my local area, because I found that I was a punk rock kid, I really liked the little local bands. No one had a website out there to say when the shows worse, so I kind of started using beta.
It was very ugly it was it was just a plain page with just words, there’s nothing to click on. And I think from learning that, I really respected the fact of freedom to build your page as you like it. So I did also progress. And I started with, with Wix for a very basic site. And I didn’t, I hated it. I couldn’t do the things that I wanted. I am a very visual aesthetic person. And it was really important to me for it to look a certain way.
I have gone with WordPress, which might be a lot for people to jump in. You know, at the as a first website, I typically recommend people start with if you’re looking for the balance between, you know, visual, you know, in personalization, as well as the combination with templates to help support your look, I usually tell people to start with something like Squarespace.
It’s kind of in-between Wix and in between WordPress, and it does have a lot of functionality. But I do use WordPress for mine, mainly because I want every box a certain way. I want it to flow a certain way I want freedom. And the good thing about WordPress is it has what is called a lot of plugins, which are just pretty much like little apps that just if you want it to do something or look a certain way, they’re really apps that take out that coding all that difficult stuff away. And kind of make you look like a pro when you’re not.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, I think long-term too. I, a lot of people regret not having WordPress as their company or personal business builds, they see all the things that they cannot do now. And you’re sort of locked into the, I guess you would say the handcuffed aspect of having something like Wix, but at the same time, you’re right. If you’re just starting out, maybe Squarespace is where you want to go, because it’s somewhere in between those two.
So again, your website is fantastic. And then when I click on your podcast link, typically I think that is fantastic. How you have that all laid out? What made you choose that format to go through other formats? Initially? What makes you choose images over just having like, the the title? How exactly do you go about choosing all the things for your podcast, specifically on your website?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Yeah, that’s a really good question. And you know it for anyone that is starting a podcast, a lot of times the host of your podcast, sometimes they’ll have just like generic websites. My podcast is hosted on Buzzsprout. And if you pay a little extra you can, you can get their like custom website. And really, it’s kind of very generic, you really can’t move anything around. It is what it is you can add and remove things, but you really just can’t configure it the way that you like. So I did spend some time looking at other podcasts’ websites.
I figured out you know, and it’s very important to do this when building a website or you know, or anything visual, is I like to look at other people and not necessarily copy but just kind of figure out what works, what’s not working. What makes me want to click something what makes me want to learn more, listen to the show.
And again, I’m very visual. So I do prefer and I don’t know, and I think maybe in this day and age, especially in the age of Instagram, I find that people are a little bit more visual. And most people don’t have time to read to be honest and even read a lot of text. So I really like that visual. So I like to include a lot of images in you know, in my website designs. I do like people to recognize and put a face to the business. Everywhere that I am and everything that I do.
My business is strong mom’s fitness, I make sure the name Daisy goes with strong moms and they’re just associated. So that and I’ll tell you right now I get emails from you know, you subscribe to something online and then you get an email from Joe and you don’t know Who Joe is, and but I went to, you know, powerlifting.com I always try to really important is to brand yourself with your business either.
If you want to use your name exclusively or coordinate your name with your brand, I find that’s really important. So I tried to really focus that throughout my entire website, not only my podcast site. But again, I like to have my podcast site, express to people that they should go and listen to the show, and that they need to click and subscribe and all that. And I find that that message is really important on the show.
That’s going to allow people to remember you later. I think a lot of times we go to, you know, podcasts, but we fail to subscribe. And then we forget what show was that that I heard this information. So my goal with my website was one to make it visually appealing. And people don’t have to spend much time reading that they can find all that information quite easily. And then encourage them to subscribe and want to learn more.
Steve Washuta: Your pod site looks a lot like Danny Lennon’s sigma nutrition. And that’s why it stood out to me. And it’s professional. Again, it’s clean, there’s, thee are images, there’s really great titles, I think, I think all that matters.
And I do think that some people miss the mark on both of the things you’ve just said. Number one, they don’t try to get people to subscribe. They’re so focused on what they’re putting out. But, they don’t remember that. It doesn’t matter how good it was. Because if like you said, if people come and see you. And they, unfortunately, can’t find you, again. They might not look too hard, and, and you’re lost.
So you have to get people to subscribe. And then also, again, differentiating yourself slightly. Whether that is a, you know, a color scheme. Or the type of images you use there. Or whatever that is the type of titles you use, I think is important. And you do a great job of that. Thank you. So, did you ever hire a business coach of any sort? I know that’s a big thing in the industry. People will hire some sort of business or marketing coach. And if not, how else did you come up with all of these other, you know, these ways to develop your brand? And your and your strategy was simply like, we just talked about looking at other people who you admired? Or, or did you read some books? How exactly did you acquire this knowledge?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Yeah, that’s a great question. And I’m sure I’m not the only one in this camp. But I started out and I didn’t have much money to spend, I did research some of these business coaches. And you can expect to pay, you know, upwards of $25,000 a year to work with a business coach.
Sometimes they have a background in health and fitness. And a lot of times I get her to, you know, a business to business experience. So I, I did have to kind of bootstrap this, do it myself, and pick and choose. You know, what I was what I needed to focus on initially. I did purchase a lot of courses. Read a lot of books, Watched a lot of YouTube videos. Did find a few you know. I did find some people’s business coach websites, and I liked what they did. And I tried to consume as much of their free stuff as possible.
When I wanted to start a website, I did a lot of. Actually spent yesterday working on something on my website. And I followed other blogs. And I followed other YouTube channels to figure out you know. To get to get myself in and out of some predicaments. Especially when it comes to some, some deeper coding and things like that. So the answer is kind of all my information.
I think that’s what makes us unique. Is when you start picking up the best of everybody. And I kind of feel like that’s what I’ve done. Sometimes things seem a little disconnected and maybe my marketing efforts or you know the flow. But it will eventually all kind of come together as I kind of learned from here and there. I took courses on blogging. I did courses on you know how to make Pinterest work. How to make Pinterest a way to bring in leads and acquire sales. From that I learned about you know how to do you know Facebook Lives. How to Learn Launch a course how to create a course.
There are a lot of different things. And I, you know, maybe I should be adding up all the money I spent on all these different courses. Maybe it would be the same price as you know, one business coach. But the best advice I can give to individuals that maybe can’t afford a business coach. Is just trying to find a mentor, just even someone that is just even a few steps ahead of you. You know, and it is actually helpful for them to have a conversation.
So you know, find a friend, I’m sure everyone has a friend online that started a business somewhere. And I’m sure they’d be willing to, you know, chat with you and take you under their wing. I don’t think it’s necessary in this day and age to, you know, spend crazy amounts of money. And usually, a lot of the times that just kind of leads up leaves a bad taste in your mouth, if it doesn’t work out.
Steve Washuta: Sounds obvious. But that’s really great advice. Andrew coats. At Andrew coats fitness, we just had him on a few podcasts ago. And he talked about sort of the same thing that people sometimes in whatever industry, they’re in. Reach out to like the highest level person, but they don’t have time for you. And you don’t really have any connection with them. And it’s them doing you a favor, and you’re not giving it back to them. But if you can reach out to people who are just slightly ahead of you. You can stay interconnected, maybe your whole career, right. And then you can find ways where you can help them.
And they can help you whether they’re a friend now or not, it’s easier to develop that relationship. So that’s a great point. To try to reach out to people who are kind of on that same journey with you. Just maybe a year ahead or something is more likely. And then I’ll add to that. I know you and I talked about this all fair in our emails back and forth. Is that, you know, delegating is important. If you don’t have a business where you have people underneath you. Like a virtual assistant or just employees, you go over well, and how the heck can I delegate?
Well, you delegate through things like Fiverr and Upwork, right? You go to these sites, and you find people who are either a better at said, issue than you right. Maybe you want to create a book cover like I needed to. Well, I don’t have that skill set, and I can do it. But it’s gonna take me six hours. It’s gonna come out at I’d rather pay somebody $45 to do an hour. So both if you don’t have the skill set, and if you can be getting things done. That you can be bringing in money at that time. A lot training, personal training, why would you want to spend that time training and hiring somebody else?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Yeah, I think that’s an issue. Especially, it’s kind of like a little rabbit hole that it’s so easy to fall into. It’s important as a business individual is to figure out, what’s your hourly rate. And where are you best spending your time. So a lot of people waste time on the silly things that are not bringing them in money. When they could be doing things that are, you know, money producing.
So a lot of people will spend time looking through color wheels. Trying to find the most perfect color for their website. And they get stuck on these, you know, small little details that don’t actually equal cash flow.
You know, are you better spending your time training, you know, six clients. Or is your time better spent sitting at the computer looking at different colors or different fonts for your logo. A lot of times, you just have to outsource certain things. Especially when it comes to looking at kind of the what is the cost of me? Actually sitting here trying to figure out the right font.
That’s what I spend a lot of, you know. I really make sure that people know that is if it’s not going to bring you money. Sometimes, it’s worth your time and effort to find someone like you said on Fiverr. Or some of these outsourcing sites. And that’s going to save you time. t actually is a little bit cheaper for you in the long run.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, completely. If you find yourself, and I know I do all the time. It’s something that’s very hard to overcome, you have a task on your calendar. You go, Oh, I’m gonna move that two hours down. And then I want to move this the next day, and then we move to the next step.
This is where you actually really need to do that task. You just don’t want to do it. And instead, you’re filling your time with, you know, figuring out if you should use you know, magenta or you know, light blue on your website, instead of actually doing whatever task that’s probably going to actually earn you money and take you to the next step.
But it’s more difficult. So it is important to just kind of remind ourselves that I know that I’m saying this also for myself that you know, those those simple things that we think we enjoy, and we’re wasting time with, we could actually be progressing in our business, giving those things away and doing the hard things that we keep pushing to the next day.
Daisy Bravo: Sure, yeah, it’s important to see yourself as the CEO of a business. And as a CEO of a business. Would you be spending time doing some of these little small minutia chat tasks, or would you be giving them to someone else to do so that’s what is important,
Steve Washuta: so on, Trulyfit’s websites, again, we’re not fully operational yet, but we use a program called Live agents that allows us to answer phone calls. But then also have a chatbot in the bottom right corner people come on the website, they click the chatbot, we have somebody there who’s life answering questions, we also have a robot who just responds accordingly, you can get a live agent right away.
It’s sort of a, I would say, a fad amongst bigger companies, right. So if you have a telephone company, internet company, rather, that you’re reaching out to, they probably have it when you go on their website, but individuals don’t seem to be really using them. You do use them. And I think it’s fantastic. Why did you choose to do this? Did you see it on someone else’s site? How exactly did you set it up?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Yeah. And, and like I said before, is when I make my websites, I tried to model others that look awesome, and are working for me. So I did have a positive experience when I went to. So let’s just compare two websites. I went to one website, and I was interested in purchasing some gym equipment. Let’s go with that. I had a question about the gym equipment. It was, you know, Friday, Saturday night, something like that.
I didn’t know if it would, you know, it would work. I had a question if I could do certain exercises with it. And, you know, it was let’s just say $500, I went to another website that had a similar product. And again, I had that same question, does that do the exercises that I wanted to do? Does it fold up properly? Can I fit it in, you know, in a closet, something like that. And the only difference between those two companies is they actually had one of those little messengers, I think it was Friday night or something like that I typed in there, I said, hey, does this do XYZ? Someone popped up within five or 10 minutes and answered my question, they got the sale instead of that other company.
Maybe the other company is the one I came on first, it was flashier, they had a better looking, you know, interface, maybe they had better pictures. But because of that messenger, they sealed the deal, and they got my money. So that just kind of led me to say, you know, hey, a lot of people that come to my site and are interested in my programs and my offerings. And a lot of times, they’re moms, and they’re up against when they’re, they’re scrolling when their kids are asleep, it’s you know, later in the day, they have a question.
Maybe they just had a horrible day. And they’re like, Man, I gotta start exercising, you know that like, all of a sudden, someone like they had they ate a whole pizza, and then scarf down some doughnuts. And all of a sudden, they’re like, I need to, you know, maybe they saw a skinny model on TV, and they’re like, Oh, my God, I want her abs or I want her body.
They are motivated at that point to buy, and they are going to buy from the first person that can take care of them. And I find that with that messenger there. I can take care of people in an instant, I use what is called Jibo chat. Ji VO. And I really like it because it comes into my phone, like a text message. And I can pause it if you know if I’m doing something personal. But for the most part, it comes in like a text message.
It’s not like I have to go into you know, I’ve found with a lot of software and apps is you have to log into their interface. And it becomes it’s just one more thing I have to check. But it comes in my text messaging inbox. And it’s just like a regular massage. And I can take care of them. Someone has a problem. someone’s like, can you help me with this? Yes, I’m here I can take care of you. And I think in this add, like age of online, sometimes that speediness can increase your sales, like exponentially. Some people aren’t ready or don’t want to wait till tomorrow to get their answer. They want it now. So a lot of times these chats allow you to do that.
Steve Washuta: And I don’t know if Jibo allows you to do this, but in a lot of them. You can set up sort of pre existing answers and questions. A lot of times more often than not, you’re getting the same questions over and over and over after a month goes by and you have these chat bots it’s very rare you get some random question you weren’t expecting, right? That’s like the same five or six questions over and over.
So be able to just quickly have you know your bot come up with page Do you have an issue with ABCD or E and then to press that button and then have an automatic answer. You also you know that takes you out of the equation you typically don’t even have to do anything now of course that takes a little while. acquire that data and then you put that in.
But it’s also good to know more to learn more about your website if they keep coming back with a question of, you know, does this fit underneath my bed? This piece of equipment? It’s like, oh, well, I have to make sure that I use that terminology in my sales pitch, because apparently people really care about that try to you’re, you’re gathering data at the same time, and maybe it doesn’t fit on your bed. And then that leads you to say, we have to make one if it’s underneath bed. So it’s all data is good data. And I think, you know, having that tap bot just gives you more data. So
Daisy Bravo: sure, yeah, it’s super important. Yeah, I do like the, that option that ABC, if they have a problem with XYZ, there’s already, you know, preset questions, answers, and you’re not a slave to the machine.
You know, I like it can get a little annoying sometimes with the messages. But I find the people that really engage with those are people that are really serious, they’re really hot leads. So I really want to jump on the chat with them, as opposed to sometimes letting the bot take over.
So I really do jump on those, especially when you’re getting started, and you have the time to do it. I mean, once you’re huge, and you’re Jillian Michaels or something like that, you probably don’t have the time, or maybe you have staff that does that. But you know, sometimes one sale, makes your month makes your week helps you pay your reps. So I use that to its fullest, fullest extent, can be a nuisance, but really, it does make a huge difference.
I do like it. And I also have, you know, always collecting that data, and making just a big master FAQ section. And making sure that what if that questions asked a bunch of times, that’s going to be smack on my my website. You know, if I know people are asking that question. So I do like your comments of always acquiring data, what are your people saying? What are your people asking, and maybe have some sort of documents on, you know, Google Docs or something that you go in, and you put that data in every once in a while you check it out, keep it refreshed and see how often people are asking these same similar questions.
Then that’s probably something you should include in your messaging. Because that might be just like a, you know, a spot that you just kind of overlooked, you know, as being professionals, we assume everyone knows what, you know, at least what we’re talking about. And like you said, but the bed like, maybe, yeah, maybe I didn’t think about that when I created the product. And yeah, I want to use that Burbidge in my copy.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, I think that’s another important point I’ll sort of echo and expand on is that there’s so much that we forget, because of all that we know, we just assume that everyone else is in our little bubble when that’s that’s typically not the case, right? So even someone like me, who is in you would consider a health and fitness bubble, right? Whether I want to or not on Instagram On Facebook, I’m getting all of these ads and pop ups and things for health and fitness things because I’m in that, but there are bubbles inside of bubbles.
So for example, I didn’t know what intuitive eating was until maybe like three months ago, where apparently this is something that I probably should have known about being in the health and fitness industry. And it’s just because No, I had gone down some rabbit hole where I was clicking on More fitness stuff and less nutrition stuff. And I never was sort of shown that necessarily. So you kind of you assume that everyone else is in your bubble, but that’s probably not the case.
We don’t know where people are coming from and what they know and what they don’t know. And then also, we can use that information to repurpose it like we talked about before, maybe that question leads into a block, right? And that blog, listen to a podcast, and so on and so forth.
So record that data and sort of staying on track here with getting information from people there are lead captures, right email captures sometimes people use a link on their website to give away something for free you have a fantastic link trade where basically it almost doesn’t matter what you’re coming to your site for.
You have something on your link free for everybody it seems like and I want to talk a little bit about that how typically when I go to a free guide or some sort of workout it’s that’s for free it seems to be nonsense and it’s just a lead capture yours provide a lot of value. So how did you put that all together and why did you put that all together?
Daisy Bravo: Sure. Yeah. And I didn’t come up with this myself. This is all from courses I’ve taken or watching and following people that have achieved success in the online you know the forum and Gone are the days for people that go to your website and they just want to subscribe to your newsletter. It’s important in this and I’m sure everyone can relate to this now is the algorithms of Facebook and Instagram, people aren’t seeing your stuff anymore.
It is important to get people into your sphere, you don’t really own your Instagram following, you may have 20,000 Instagram follower followers, the statistics keep changing, sometimes they say 20% of people that are your followers see your stuff.
My goal is, I want to get everyone’s email address, anyone that’s interested in what I do, I want to make sure that I have their email address so that as soon as I have a new product, a new offering out, instead of just posting on Instagram, Hey, guys, I have a new workout plan by this, that 20% of people 10% of people are gonna see this, I’d rather have them in my emails because I know that they’re going to have a higher chance of seeing my stuff.
So yeah, if I’ve got a new program out, if I have a weekend seminar that I want people to join, usually email is kind of the way to go. So that’s where the whole idea of the lead capture really came in for me, and really helped me kind of hone in and make sure that I provide not only something people want, but I answered the questions that they want, as opposed to just giving them this little fluff, and then a sales pitch below.
I find that in this day and age, in order to stand out, you have to give a little more to get a little more these days, again, gone are the days where someone’s just going to go onto your website and say, hey, I want to subscribe to their newsletter, it just doesn’t really happen anymore, you have to give them something, you have to, you know, put dangle the steak in front of them, so that they will go for it. And so, I really again, and that data that you acquire from your bots, from your questions on Facebook is how I create my lead captures.
So, you know, everyone asked about meal planning or, you know, shopping lists. You know, what, what exercises are great for, you know, getting rid of the, you know, the triceps, they’re the wings? So what, what are your, what are your clientele, what are your people asking you were one of the people.
And we’ll see this in a lot of people. You know, let’s say you have a great physique and, and you post that online and everyone wants your abs, well create a lead magnet for people to get those abs, they’re going to want to you know, they’re asking you that question, you might as well grab that email address and give them something in return. I do, I would probably say, a lot of times they say with the lead you, you teach them kind of the why and the what, but the full How is your parole, you know, is your program.
I may for example, I have my my newest book is called flat abs after baby. So my lead magnet for flat abs after baby to get people interested in my book is what are the top five exercises to get flat abs after baby. So I give them the exercises, I show them the exercises, but they don’t know how to do them when to do them how to progress, you know, the next step.
That’s what you teach in your paid stuff. But your free stuff, you give them that little taste, you want to give them some information so that they don’t say this is garbage, you want to leave them wanting more you don’t want to leave them I usually say like a soap opera, you leave them hanging, you leave them dangling. So you tease them a little bit. You keep them wanting more. And then that’s when you kind of it’s kind of like a little stepwise process. So there’s a little thought that needs to go into creating a lead magnet lead generation.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, that’s a fantastic description of how to do that. And we’ve had Chris Scott on this program he runs something called Fit recovery comm where he talks a lot about different nutrients and vitamins you can take if you’re if you’re going through like alcohol recovery, and what he does sort of in Italy back to this hill list of vitamins and but he won’t tell you exactly the dosages that are recommended or the brands in which he is is sort of behind right.
So again, that that gives you information but you’re not getting the full-scale information unless you invest in their the coaching program or the course or walk or whatever else snacks and I think you know something along those lines is always important to give them information.
Make sure you’re providing value but So it’s good to hold some of that back and there’s more than one way to do it, you can have some sort of, you know, lead on your, on your, on your page, you should probably have more than one place, not just on your website,
but also some sort of Instagram, and link tree thing and, and, and even subscribing to the YouTube gets you something so having more than one location, because like we talked about earlier, initially, you should be focused on maybe just a few of these platforms to grow them out to make sure you actually have enough content there to be looked at, but eventually you don’t know where people are gonna be looking. So you want to have a at least, you know, your toes dipped in the water into each of these platforms.
Daisy Bravo: Absolutely, yeah. And it is important also to, in your business, start to kind of stand for something and be recognized for something it’s really hard these days, there’s a million coaches a million trainers out there. So, you know, if you want to be known for, you know, recovery or corrective exercise after you know, a sports injury, then really kind of hone on something that maybe sets you apart from someone else. It’s so easy to go to everyone’s website, and they just have their generic coaching or training.
And I think now, more than ever, people are looking for something that’s more specialized, more niche down more catered to them in their interests. You know, recently I’ve gotten into calisthenics training, and now I’m working with a calisthenics-specific coach. And the only reason why I wanted to work with them is that their marketing was really narrowed down and geared down to, you know, the female athlete that wants to start doing more bodyweight, you know, exercises, they weren’t concerned with, you know, weight loss, and some of these other gimmicks, they were really focused down on only women, and only calisthenics.
And I think, you know, with their marketing, you know, was amazing, it was just so easy. You know, if I saw a bunch of trainers, you know, kind of lined up in a row, I zero, just naturally zero into them. And from that, you’re going to get some people that are not interested, and then you’re just gonna get amazing people just sort of gravitating for you.
And that’s the way you’re going to start working with the people that you want to work with. If you put a general you know, I’m working with pregnant postpartum women, mainly because I figured out in the gym, I don’t want to work out with seniors. And I didn’t want to work out with high school people, and I didn’t really want to train men. So, you know, I really narrowed down my marketing, and now I’m working with the person that’s perfect for me. And I think that’s going to be really important these days, you know, especially with online.
Steve Washuta: That’s a great point. And, you know, I’ll put a slight caveat there. And I think people rush to pick out the core needs before they have that skill set, you still need to build that skill set first. So you know, if you’re, you know, 1819 20, and you just got your first certification, and you’ve never trained anybody, it’s not the time to get any, because you don’t have any experience in working with those people, right?
This person who’s doing calisthenics, chances are, they were doing it for 20 years, they work with a bunch of clients that saw how it developed and how it helped. And then they made their own program, and you still need to provide value, and have that expertise in in that area. And I see too often, people who you can tell are trying to push a niche that they’re invested in that they enjoy, but that they don’t have an expertise in.
Then it falls through and then it falls flat. So having expertise and and and if you don’t have an expertise in it, yet you love it, well then document your journey, right. So if you if you want to start snowboarding, and you want to show how you work out to become, you know, a faster and more agile snowboarder, well document your journey, show the exercises that you do, show your progress going down the mountain, from the, you know, the blue diamonds to the Black Diamond, and then show how you progressed, which will in turn not only get you people who follow you, but then you’ve learned along the way you showed people you’ve learned along the way, rather than just come out and claim to be an expert.
Daisy Bravo: Right. Yeah, that’s super important. I think you know, you, you do see the individuals that do really great out there, you do see their journey. I think, as humans, we do like to see, you know, people starting their journey, we like to see kind of the wins, we’d like to see the fails. And I think that just kind of builds that, you know, integrity and builds that sort of trust factor.
You know, it’s really important. And I think every trainer knows this, like the first five years of personal training, you learn fast what you want to do and what you don’t want to do and you don’t want to work with. So yeah, so it’s really important to to, I know that time sometimes sucks, but it’s really important to do that and figure out what you don’t want to do so that you don’t jump in and fully invest in it. website and all this fancy stuff, and then you figure out, wait, I don’t even want to do it. I’m even like working with these people. So very important point that you madethere. Yeah,
Steve Washuta: I mean, people crave authenticity, and people are intuitive, they’re gonna read it on you, they’re gonna smell your BS sooner rather than later. So you got to make sure that your marketing doesn’t say otherwise. Because you’re not going to trick people. They’re going to tell you so
Daisy Bravo: he reminded me of like the young guys, and they’re probably in their early or mid 20s. And they’re standing in front of, you know, in a private jet, and they’re selling, you know, you know, make a millions. And I’m like, I really don’t buy that from you right now. I’m so I’m sorry. So people are starting to see through that now. Maybe that worked back in the day, but it’s definitely not working. Now.
Steve Washuta: How do I test some of those people I asked them a question. I know that they don’t know. And if they don’t say, I don’t know, I know they’re full. Because there’s so there’s so many. I don’t mean to like pick on young people, such as young people. But there’s people who just can’t say, I don’t know.
There are a lot of things that I don’t know. Especially in the fitness industry. I consider myself an expert in in the client experience. But I’ve had over 30,000 sessions, probably that’s not including classes, or it’s just one on one sessions. And so I put together a good experience. I work better with the general population. Probably don’t work well with bodybuilders.
Probably don’t work best with people who are looking to improve their Olympic lifts. That’s not my specialty. If somebody asked me a question that I don’t know, I have no problem referring to somebody who knows better. But the people who say, Oh, no problem, I can tell you, I can show you over and over. It’s typically the people you want to stay away from.
Daisy Bravo: Absolutely. Totally agree.
Steve Washuta: So why don’t you plug your podcast and your website. And because we’ve been talking about your website the whole time. I want people to go to it and see it so they have something to mimic. And let’s let everyone know also where they could reach out to you. Maybe like not professionally but directly if they have questions about some of the things we’ve been talking about.
Daisy Bravo: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I appreciate that. So I am everywhere on like literally everywhere online. On at strong mom’s fitness. You can find me my podcast is the strong mom’s fitness podcast. My website is strong mom’s fitness calm Instagram. I’m strong dot mom’s don’t fitness. And same with Facebook and the like and Pinterest and all that good stuff. So I did try to keep that across the board so that I’m easy to find.
My email address is super easy. I do love to mentor people about business coach them just even have a conversation, I do not sell $25,000 packages, I help people as they go. You know I charge a nominal fee similar to like a personal training fee is you know not crazy. But anyone can email me chat with me can talk business. Daisy at strong mom’s fitness calm really doesn’t get easier than that. All my stuff across the floor is strong. Mom’s fitness calm.
Steve Washuta: One last question. Sorry if I’m putting you on the spot here. Yeah. Is Daisy Bravo your real name? Or is it like Tom Cruise and sort of a stage name?
Daisy Bravo: So that is a great question, Daisy is a nickname. And you know on all my branding, it’s actually Daisy Andrea dot you know, Daisy, Andrea Bravo. But I go by Daisy. Mainly because that’s what everyone used to call me in the gym because I was always in the workout room.
I was the only girl and they’re like, there goes you know. There goes little Daisy Duke over there working out in the man’s gym. So that’s kind of where it started. And I just wanted to kind of keep that across the board keeps it fun. People remember it. So that’s, that’s where niZi came from?
Steve Washuta: Well, I think the last name is just as cool as the first name. So
Daisy Bravo: the last name is real that is that was the name I was given when I was born. So that is 100% real.
Steve Washuta: The I guess the the sort of pseudo irony here is that all the marketing things you’ve done? Nothing has worked better than just your name I think Jay Z Bravo. You know, I
Daisy Bravo: appreciate that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And you know, everyone calls my brother Johnny Bravo. There was also an 80s WWF wrestler called Dino Bravo. So I do have I was also referred to as Dino. I prefer Daisy as opposed to dinos but yeah, there’s a lot you can do with Bravo. So yes, it definitely speaks to my kind of diligence, my knowledge and kind of my gung ho presence. So yeah, Bravo kind of really fits me in my character.
Steve Washuta: Daisy, thank you so much for It was a podcast. That I hope to steal you for another hour down the road speaking about something different.
Daisy Bravo: Absolutely. I’m always here to share.
Steve Washuta: Thanks for joining us on the Trulyfit podcast. Please subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platform. Feel free to email us as we’d love to hear from you.
Thanks again!