Osteoporosis & Balance Training : Lynda Lippin

Guest: Lynda Lippin
Release Date: 10/3/2022
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Steve Washuta: Welcome to Trulyfit. Welcome to the Trulyfit podcast where we interview experts in fitness and health to expand our wisdom and wealth. I am your host Steve Washuta, co-founder of Trulyfit and author of Fitness Business 101.
On today’s episode, we have Lynda Lippin. She is our first three-time guest on the Trulyfit podcast, you can find everything about her at L y n da li PPI n.com. Linda is a Pilates instructor and educator, she has great information, especially when it comes to working with seniors. And that’s one of my specialties as well.
So we’re going to go down the rabbit hole today of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and balanced training, why all of those things are so important when working with the senior population. But really, from my perspective, working with any population, because we’re all going to get to that age, eventually, we’re all going to become seniors, or at least that’s our goal. So we have to train people as if they are getting older because they are getting older.
And we have to make sure that we’re looking at potential diagnoses, things like disc degeneration that are going to happen anyway. And how do we avoid that? What is the line of diminishing returns between too much impact on certain exercises, and something not talked about in the industry enough?
If you’re not somebody who works with an older population, or has worked with clients for a long period of time and saw like, Hey, listen, this client’s getting older, they just can’t do the things they used to be able to do, then you haven’t had experience in being able to sort of modify down and be concerned with those things.
So it was a great conversation, Linda really gives a good overview of osteoporosis exercises to avoid some balanced training tips and tools. It was really fantastic, I think, because it allowed me who hasn’t really been working with seniors that much lately, because of the fact I do a mostly virtual training. And it just brought back all of these reminders of of the importance of remembering every day that your clients are getting older.
And that injury prevention be the number one thing you’re working with, and clients avoiding injuries over their vanity goals, of course, over any other health goal they have is injury prevention, because, you know, the best ability is availability. I think Bill Parcells said that a football coach, and if the client is not available if they’re hurt, they’re going to spiral out of control into this deconditioned state where they’re going to not be in the gym, you’re not going to have access to them.
And a plethora of health complications is going to come down the chain because of that. So we have to make sure that our clients are healthy and avoid injuries at all times. With no further ado, here is Linda Lipton. Linda, thanks so much for joining the Trulyfit podcast for a third time, as you know you were the first third-time guest. So we don’t need to update everyone on who you are and what you do. But really, let’s give us a quick update on your business. Anything you’ve started in the past few months since we’ve last talked or any sort of angles and pivots of online fitness or courses or whatever it is you’re doing now these days.
Lynda Lippin: Great. Well, thanks for having me for the third time. I love the podcast. So you know I’m happy to be here and you know, provide some good value and information for your listeners. So I think since I talked to you last I’ve pivoted a little bit and my focus. One of our one of our last interviews was about diathesis wreck tie and teaching pre-postnatal clients. I’ll be 56. While we’re recording this on the 20th I’m not sure when it’s coming out.
But September 22 is my 56th birthday. And over this past like year or so, I found that the conversations that I wished to be having out there are really not so much about pregnancy and childbirth and all of that because that’s not where I am. It’s actually not where most of my clients are.
So I’ve been doing a lot more work with bone density. with osteoporosis, osteopenia, fall prevention, chronic pain and things for really women over 50 Who are a lot of them are just out there blindly like exercising because they feel like they need to for their bone density, but they don’t always know what they should be doing.
A client of mine this morning who has osteoporosis and had a compression fracture before she came to me. Her she’s in her 70s Her younger sister who’s about my age, who lives in Spain just found out that she has osteoporosis, found out because she had been going to unmodified Pilates. Doing all of the overhead short spine long spine rolling like a ball all the loaded flexion that can show up up, and now has a compression fracture.
Oh, yeah. So I’ve realized that, you know, so many women are kind of finding this out now. We’re also having the issue of rising obesity rates, which leads, which is also a risk factor for osteoporosis. It turns out that high blood pressure, again, rising rates, risk factor for osteoporosis. And we’ve all been basically sitting more for the past, you know, two years, which is a risk factor for a whole host of stuff, including osteoporosis.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, yeah. It’s, it’s quite a wake-up call. When you see the numbers, I think it is. You can quote me on these two $50 billion a year that is spent through personal insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, on blog post fall medical bills. So and people will say, well, well, how is that even the case, it’s not just because people are falling, let’s say there’s three, I believe there’s 300,000 people a year that fall and fracture their hip.
It’s not just fixing the hip fracture, it is the decondition nature in which happens afterward, right? So it spirals out of control. Someone falls as you know, and they fracture their hip. Well, guess what, now they can’t come see Linda for a few weeks, then they get in a wheelchair, then maybe they get depressed because of it, and they start eating too much.
They have sort of all of these other physical ailments and issues because they can’t move start to arise, which causes even more medical issues. Like I said, it’s a snowball effect that spirals out of control. And I think the general population certainly doesn’t know that. And young personal trainers who haven’t worked with seniors can’t foresee that.
Lynda Lippin: Exactly. And you know, what ends up happening to is that, then you have the cost of the bone-building drug infusions, and the phosphates that people are using, which, you know, when those first came out, they thought that you could just take them to rebuild the bone, because it just helps with, you know, speeding up bone modeling fine.
And then stop taking it. But then in the as Oh, so often happens in the human studies that we end up doing after drugs are released in the United States, they discovered that you can’t stop taking them. Because if you stop taking them, your bone actually dissolves faster than it did before you took that drug. So you have to then be on this now for your entire life.
Right. And it’s really, I think it’s led to, you know, the, I mean, the drug market for osteoporosis medications right now is doing really well.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, there was a drug. I can’t think of the name, Linda, that evades me, I think it was in the early 90s. I had a client after the fact she wasn’t on it during that time, but she had fractured her tibia fibia tibia fibula, because of the stroke, because it actually made the bones too hard.
There was a big loss day, and they made the bones so hard that they became in a sense, brittle, right, because they were, they were too hard. So they were, they were shattering into pieces. She had sued the stroke company, and, and so on, and so forth. There’s a lot of issues surrounding the drugs and, and
Lynda Lippin: because it’s not just a turns out, see, if it’s not just about bone strength, period, end of discussion. We also know that bones do have a little bit of flexibility to them. I mean, especially the long bones which are the bones that you know, the trabecular bone that you are measuring for osteoporosis, right? Your femurs, your wrist bone, you know, the forearm bones, your lumbar spine, because those, you know, of the spine bones, a number one, the lumbar is weight bearing a little bit more, but it’s also you know, much longer bone.
And those bones need to be able to have a little bit of tensile strength to have a little bit of flexibility to them because you’ve got a lot of muscle pull, as we know, and tendon pull and coming through those bones and they need to be able to maybe bend a little bit without cracking. I mean, it’s very similar to me too.
You know, I mean, I live in a skyscraper right? I live in a 76-storey building. Yeah, my building moves. Yeah. When it rains, my building moves. We’ve been in this apartment for 11 years since the building opened. And you can kind of feel where there are little cracks where just there’s a moving joint in the building.
Steve Washuta: Yeah. And structurally, it’s built like that purposefully so it can handle the wind so we can handle that’s
Lynda Lippin: how we got through Sandy. Yeah, yeah. So there’s a reason for that. In the end, we like engineering takes that kind of from our structure. Right. Our structure is like that. And our structure mimics In a very, you know, real way, what we see an engineering kind of out in the world that needs to be effective. So it’s not just about hardening the bone, but it’s also about being flexible. It’s about muscle strength.
We know now that muscle strength contraction around the bone actually counts as force into the bone and assists with bone modeling. You know, there’s, there’s, and there’s a whole lot of ways to kind of strengthen now that don’t just involve loading for the sake of loading. Yeah. Yeah. Have you had any clients try? osteo? Strong? No, I haven’t go there.
Steve Washuta: Yeah. So feel free to Yeah, sort of
Lynda Lippin
osteo strong is a chain. And they basically are offering seated mostly seated machine workouts, where you’re loading the bone in almost an isometric way, with extremely heavy weight for, you know, short and moving up to extended periods of time. Now, they, some folks have great results from it, some folks don’t. But what they’re noticing is that people are getting stronger bones, but not necessarily more functional movements.
Because again, you’re not going through full ranges of motion. And you’re not going through the kind of movements this that you necessarily need to do on the daily, you know, to keep your body strong, and to kind of keep going.
Steve Washuta: So it sounds like a great supplement, but just maybe not something you want to do exclusively.
Lynda Lippin: Right. Exactly. And it’s expensive. It’s expensive, I think for a supplement. Yeah. Do you know any mean? Yeah. And it requires going someplace like you have to go, you have to be there, you have to be in those machines. So some of my clients had started that pre COVID were, you know, bam, couldn’t do it anymore.
And, and found other ways of maintaining and increasing their bone density. Right now, most of my stronger ones Pilates clients are showing, and this is completely anecdotal. Right. But they’ve been working with me for a year or two, and they’re showing improved bone density. Some of them are medicated. Some of them aren’t.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, and they’ll never, you’ll never totally know as a trainer, right? So if they’re on medication, and you’re working with them, you’re like, what, what percentage of this is my work or the medication or combination? Exactly, but doesn’t matter? No, because ultimately, our goal is to help them so as long as we’re getting to that goal, it’s going to be too hard to pinpoint. We just keep going through that work and, and making our adjustments as needed.
So let’s go into like a practical situation here, Linda, I, I am a 67-year-old female, I want to come work with you. You give me some sort of health history form por que intake form. On it I write that I have either osteopenia or osteoporosis. What is your first step in that initial consultation? What are you saying to them? Or what are you preparing them for?
Lynda Lippin: All right, so my first step is always you know, how long have you had it? How long have you known that you had it? Because, you know, we’re basically tested just at certain ages. And, I mean, I have clients and women I know from you know, business networking and other things here in the US who live in states where they’re not automatically approved for bone density scans until they’re over 60.
And a lot of women are getting are being you know, seen for osteoporosis in their 40s and 50s. Now, she comes from a family history of osteoporosis, and cannot get the insurance company to approve that Texas scam. So, you know, number one, it’s, you know, how long have you known you’ve had it? Number two, I ask them if they’ve ever had any fractures, including compression fractures.
And then I kind of talked to them about what they do in their daily lives and what they’ve done before in terms of exercise, especially if they come from a Pilates or yoga background, which you know, many of my clients do. They show up and a lot of them are still doing full loaded flexion exercises. So I kind of lay out for them, that we’re not going to do easy exercises that we’re not going to you know, be babying them or doing anything like that, but that they’re going to notice that they’re not doing any more rolling like a ball.
They’re not doing any more inversions, like legs overhead kind of situations that were that they’re not going To be curling their head up for the 100 or you know, single leg stretch or the abdominals series, that that may change the leg level that they may be used to, because once you’re not curling your ribcage up, you don’t have that.
So as support from the top right, so your legs might need to angle up a little bit higher, to keep your abdominals together while you’re doing supine exercises, that they’re going to be doing a little less kind of mobility work with their spines, but a lot of strength and stabilization work. And then I’m going to make sure that they go through, you know, what I consider to be the five really basic exercises that really I think all humans should be routinely, and but definitely people with low bone density.
And those for me are squats. Because I think sitting in standing is a good skill. You know, and, and as we know, I mean, I’m sure you’ve had to have it, Steve, where there are those clients who are like, I don’t like to do squats because it bothers my knees, or it bothers this or it bothers that. And you know, for me, I’m like, do you wish to be able to sit down and stand up. And if you’re afraid of going too far in a range of motion in the squat, get a chair.
We will just sit down and stand up in different ways and in different leg positions, and maybe holding a bag of dog food or you know, whatever you got for your weight, but we’re going to be going there. So I think squats are super important. I think a deadlift is super important. Because again, we’re we’re bending down to pick things up. Yep. And we want to be able to do that. So squats, deadlifts, step ups. I would go for lunges.
I consider a step up to actually be you know, in the same modified version. Yeah, family as the lunge. But again, we’re walking up and down stairs, we’re getting on, you know, escalators and elevators, if you are traveling, sometimes you need to walk those steps onto the airplane in smaller airports, right? Up and down off of boats, sometimes if you need to, and frankly, half of the Uber SUVs in Manhattan are a giant step. There’s a big step going on there. And it works on the single-leg balance as well. You know, so I feel like step-ups, and I work my clients and step ups pretty much consistently
Lynda Lippin: bridging. Again, good back work, good glute work, good ab work, and then some kind of push up. Yeah, some kind of plank, some kind of push up some kind of way of pushing your butt off the grounds, catching yourself if you fall, pushing things away from you, you know, all of these. So these are like life skills that I feel like we should all have and continue to have. And all of those exercises are done with a stable torso.
Right, all of those exercises are pretty much stable torso, hip hinge, or arm hinge. Yeah. And they’re all functional. So those are kind of my top five that like everyone’s getting, if I’m now I no longer teach in person in a Pilates studio. But if I did, and when I did, you know that might be footwork on the reformer, that might be like springs that might be pumping on the chair that might be whatever, you know, finding ways in the studio to do it.
Now I work with people, you know, purely at home, and we’re using kind of the things that they have at home to do that. Now what is interesting is that you can still do some flexion, some hyperextension and some rotation inside bending, but the flexion the spinal flexion needs to be on loaded. So the Osteoporosis society here in the US and the Osteoporosis society of the UK.
Both define, unloaded flexion the same way we would which is flexion that’s moving kind of away from gravity, not towards it. So if you’re on all fours, you can do cat cow. If you’re super strong, you can be on all fours with your knees lifted and a bear holds and do some get cow. You know, you can do say up stretch on the reformer or you know, nice stretches or things when you’re already on all fours.
Because again, you’re pulling away from gravity. There’s more of a lengthening of the spine. You’re not taking the weight of gravity and your body weight and then crunching them into your thoracic spine or your lumbar spine in a way that’s you know, going to cause a fracture In the front,
Steve Washuta: yeah, you know, the five movements you named? Well, then you add, you added a sixth in there and rotation, I’ll add a seventh and pulling a hold of all of those movements needs to be done. They’re all sort of day to day movements. But they don’t always need to be done with load. At any age, that’s at any skill set, you could be 24.
In really good shape, yet you have an anatomical something going on with your body, and you just can’t put load in one area or another. That’s fine. I think that that’s a, that’s a great point is that it’s the movements we’re looking for. It’s not always loading those movements up, in particular. And you also mentioned something, not to jump too far down this rabbit hole, but we might as well, because the balance has a lot to do with this.
When you said, you know, our work on those step ups, and we work with balance. I think people take balance for granted, when they don’t work with older clients. We just talked about the fall situation. But they also see balanced purely as this, I guess you would call it this physiological skill set. And they don’t try to teach it and increase it and make it better. They got all their balances bad. It’s it? Well, yeah, but we can make it better.
We can focus on their visuals, what they’re staring at, we can focus on engaging and strengthening certain muscles, we can have to make a more mind body connection. So that there have this proprioception in the movements. And I think that that’s where balance gets lost with people. They don’t try to focus on increasing someone’s balance through all of those parameters.
Lynda Lippin: Exactly. And what they do instead, which frankly, is the lazy trainer way of dealing with balance, is they throw in an unstable object. Yeah. Oh, we’ll work on your balance. She’ll stand on the BOSU. It’ll be fine. Right? We’ll work on your balance. She’ll sit on one of those, you know, wobbly stability cushions and then it’ll be great.
Well, no, actually, that’s that’s not so fine. I remember. And this is, you know, we publicly did articles about this, but I used to train Deborah Spungen, who was founded families to murder victims. She was Nancy spunk guns, mother. From Sid, Sid Vicious. And Nancy, from Sid and Nancy. And Deb ended up having a total lumbar fusion.
When we were working together, she had a lot of instability in her spine. And what was happening was teachers and trainers were putting her on unstable objects to try to get her to be stable, which was causing actually more pain and more instability, because she didn’t have the ability to stay stable. Yeah, I mean, theirs was not there. Yeah. So it’s like you’re trying to train multifidus that don’t work? Yeah, no, you can’t do that. There’s
Steve Washuta: a place for the toys, and you can work up to them. But there are things you do beforehand, just like anything and an exercise, there’s modifications, there’s ways to go about it. You can stand on one foot and close your eyes.
You can go up on your tippy toes. I mean, there’s a million things you can do to start building the musculature and the ability to balance before you start having, like we said a 67 year old woman with osteoporosis, jump on a BOSU.
Lynda Lippin: Exactly, exactly. Because that’s most likely gonna end badly for everybody. Yeah. These are the things that scare me, you know when I see like photos of them, or I see people doing them online, and I’m like, why are you doing that? Don’t do that to that person, or to yourself. So you know, what I found is, is that I ended up now getting a lot of clients who not only already have osteoporosis, or low bone density, and are looking to just maintain or make things better.
But I’m also getting a lot of women who just don’t want it, and who would rather learn right now the proper ways to move. And, you know, I say to them, you know, right now, if your bone density is fine, you can feel free to play with some of that full loaded flexion if you want to do a full setup or a roll up or something like that, and that feels good for you do it.
But you don’t have to, you can still work through the spine extension. And you know, while we’re talking about about spine movement, you know, there’s when like when people think about rotation, people start to think about golf, right, which is extreme rotation with a lot of load, right? Or they’re thinking again, even like supine or seated yoga poses where we’re going into the rotation and again, it’s huge rotation from that lower thoracic spine, you know, in that lumbar spine. If you’ve got knees all the way into the chest and you’re going side to side.
What we’re looking at with osteoporosis is you know, if you’re doing lower body, its feet on the ground, knees apart so that as you’re going over to one side, it’s almost more of a nice side bends in a way than it is a huge rotation and upper body rotation. Is head lead? Right? So so it’s the functional rotation that you need to parallel park.
Or to look behind you in the car and make sure you know everything’s okay. I mean, I do realize that, you know, I’m I’m old and you know, started to drive. I mean, I know how to drive a stick, which, you know, is I think a getting to be a lost art.
Steve Washuta: But maybe 10%,
Lynda Lippin: right. But I don’t even like when if I rented a car, like, I hate that thing that like beeps and like, tells you what’s behind you. Like, I’d rather just look because I can and I know how to use the mirrors. But you know, that’s a skill that people still need to have. So head-led rotation with a stable pelvis and a lifted spine, fine.
Small amounts of side bending, fine, right, it’s when you go into those more extreme, like, we’re going to twist that spine, we’re going to wring it out, you know, those are it’s those more extreme movements that cause the bones, you know, that cause way too much pressure into the bones in load. So it’s really about finding that kind of middle ground finding that lifted center, finding that lifted torso, working the upper back strength working back to the shoulder blades to help hold the backup.
Working small extension so that again, you’re not going into huge Cobra, sir, huge swans were your you know, rocking all of your again, you know, putting lots of load on those small bones and putting lots of loads on those small spyness processes at the back of your vertebrae. You know, which again, you don’t want, you don’t want there to be, you know, micro fractures in there. Yeah, and that’s not fun.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, that’s those are fantastic points. And it’s, this is something I always say, there’s a cost to everything. And there’s a good metabolic cost to working out. If I go, I just I just sprinted two miles earlier, there was a metabolic cost to that.
So I burned Who knows 350 calories in my two miles sprint, there is a structural cost, because I you know, I’m my heel is hitting the ground. And there’s reverberations coming up from my ankle through my knee through my hip, and the rest of my body has some of that structural cost at a certain amount at a certain age, at a certain level of impact is a positive one.
But eventually, it’s not right, there’s a there’s a line of diminishing returns, when you’re doing too much. Sometimes that line is diminishing returns is actual force. And sometimes it’s you understanding that the body itself cannot handle this force at this age at this time, given all of the other things. And I think another component to this, when the is that we have these people, I imagine your clients also fit this mold.
I have these clients who sat at a desk for 40 years, right hunched over, and cervical commonwise, they’re all screwed up. Already coming in with with sort of like C 67 issues and compression and disc degeneration in the first place. Not they’re not they’re not It’s not like a personal trainer, who’s standing up all day long.
Coming into this with all these issues and elements already. And I think that sort of maybe even expedites the fact that you like you elaborated on and alluded to, that we need to maybe take the load off and focus on them doing the movement without the load.
Lynda Lippin: Exactly. And like, I mean, my bone density is great. And, and in a way it shouldn’t be because I had endometriosis. I was on, you know, some form of birth control or modified, you know, hormone production for most of my teens in my 20s. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy, when I was in my 30s was on, you know, yeah, to Premarin and whatever after that, but was really, you know, never at the level of estrogen that, you know, a normal woman of that age would be at, and I had been on zero hormone replacement for about the last three or four years now.
But what happens is estrogen really helps mitigate inflammation in women. So I noticed what I started to notice, especially when I stopped the hormone replacement, right, was that it was becoming harder for me to recover from a very intense workout.
So now I, for my own body only do moderate work. That’s what I train people in. Because basically the metabolic cost for me of having that level of inflammation for say, three, four days, it just wasn’t worth it anymore. Yeah. You know, it really wasn’t and functionally, you know, I know what I need to be able to do.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, well, and that’s a big part of advancing in our careers as trainers also. noticing our bodies and saying, Well, if I have to dial it back, chances are my client has to dial back. I don’t overhead press, I haven’t overhead pressed in three years. I have some cervical columns, small issues.
It’s just disc degeneration. Guess what? Everybody has it eventually, right? It’s just it’s just a sign of aging. Right? Eventually, I decided I’m not going to overhead press anymore, because it was exacerbating the issue. No big deal. I have a million other ways that I can press.
Lynda Lippin: Exactly. You know, it was interesting I am, I had a little bit of a health crisis last year, and I ended up getting a full spine MRI, which is so fascinating. I have this CD, not that I can use, not that I have anything I could like, use that on but but my neurologist, you know, sat there with me.
I was and she was like, look at that degeneration in your neck. Right? Like C five, six. Yeah. And I mean, seriously, it goes in like that on the side. Now for years, Steve, I have had what I thought was a shoulder issue on my right side. But I did start to notice that if I stretch my arm back this way, and I’m really tight, I get like the little electrical shocks. through there.
Yeah. Right, because that nerve. And then when I looked at the degeneration, I was like, Okay, this explains a number of things. Yeah, this is and this also explains why for me being up like this is awesome, right? Because it’s kind of pulling everything up. And it’s taking away that down pressure into through my cervical vertebrae.
That’s when I really started looking at what I was doing, because it turned out that all that even though I don’t have osteoporosis, doing a lot of loaded flexions inflames that disk area. And that’s fine area and causes me a lot of undue neck and shoulder pain. And I would prefer to not have surgery for as long as I can. Yeah. And I can maintain, as long as I keep some things completely out of my program. Now, I can do other things.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, there’s always something else to do. Thankfully, we know the body. And this is what we do for a living. But for those who don’t, that’s why you hire a professional because your health matters, your long term health and wellness matters. So you hire a professional. To go through this, I want to go over some balance exercises to sort of close this out here.
So obviously, you were mostly in the, you know, the Pilates realm, so feel free to give Pilates based exercises, but also other exercises, just general exercises, we talked a little bit initially about just simply standing on one leg coming up onto the balls of your feet, doing step ups, you can obviously add in toys here and there. When your client gets to that level, if you’re there spotting them.
If you think that maybe ankle e-version and inversion is something they need to work on, then maybe you do go to a Bosu for some reason or a step 360. Are these other toys are there? Is there something specific that you do or toy that you use for balance?
Lynda Lippin: You know, it’s very interesting that I have really started working a lot with something called the tie for its T Y E for it was invented by Joan Breitbart, the president of the physical mind institute like decades ago, and I’ve been working with Joan for on and off for 30 years now. So I know her well.
And I started playing with it, you know, at home for my own workouts, and it’s essentially you just put it on, it’s like a little back backpack kind of Vesti thing, it’s very lightweight, neoprene and then has strong bungees that attach and there’s a continuous length bungee for the arms for the upper body and a continuously bungee for the legs and feet.
You can adjust the length of the bungee. Now what’s nice about it is it closes the kinetic chain, right the same way that Pilates equipment would with feet and straps and all of that except you can do things multiplanar sure, because now you can stand in it. And so what I really like doing is with that on my clients and for some of my clients have them and for other ones I play around with bands, and we do you know other ways of doing it.
But you can stand up and do knee lifts. And you can do knee lifts, where you’re assisting your movement by pulling up on the leg, bungee and helping. You can do knee lifts. Where you’re pushing the bungees out away from you so you have a little pressure throwing you off balance. You can do them while you’re pressing behind you. So that you’re getting more hip flexor work in that kind of standing balance.
I love all of that. But for clients who don’t I mean. We’ll just build it, you know. Slowly but surely from sometimes I’ll take clients to say we’re doing squats on a chair, right? And I’ll just have them sit and put one heel out in front of them. Put me See the weight on the bent knee and sit and stand. And almost naturally after they do that a few times. They’ll start to try to lift up that like that’s in front of them.
And do you know kind of a little mini version of a pistol squat you know, which which is good. Sometimes, you know, bridging, working on marching with bridging, working on one leg kick. You know, the classical Pilates bridge with the leg kick. Staying up in Bridge, walking the feet out, walking the feet back in. You know, walking them out to the side, walking them back in all of that kind of work.
Planks, lifting up one leg, lifting up one arm, all fours, bird dog. You know all of this. And you can actually do what I give my clients with osteoporosis instead of bicycle. Criss cross and any kind of abdominal work is we get on all fours. They do birds dog with the elbow and knee coming together underneath them.
Steve Washuta: Yeah, that’s smart, all fantastic exercises and things that people can do also, virtually, from home, you don’t obviously the equipment you named, you need that equipment, but everything else you can do from the ground. And you can start with clients who have a lot of balance issues from the floor. Doing those bridge kick outs, doing bird dog doing those sorts of things. And then work up when that this has been fantastic information.
Let my audience know, again, where they can find you. They can find your website everything about you. And if they want to reach out to you personally for any questions. Maybe concerning working with clients who have osteoporosis.
Lynda Lippin: Great. So my website is my name. It’s Linda l y n da li p p i n.com. All of my information is on there in terms of my strong bones programming. And you know, I also do some continuing education work for Pilates teachers and trainers as well. And all of that is there. Folks can find me on social media.
I’m everywhere as either Linda live and or Linda live and Pilates. So whether you got a YouTube, Facebook, whatever. I have two groups on Facebook that could be of interest to folks who are listening. One is mostly for clients and consumers and it’s called strong bones Pilates. The other one is more specifically geared to Pilates teachers and fitness professionals.
And it’s called Pilates profit lab. But within that I have a whole lot of free continuing education. On osteoporosis on training clients on you know, and what the and not only that. But what the science is behind it.
Steve Washuta: My guest today has been Lynda Lippin. Lynda, thank you so much for joining the truth of podcasts for the third time.
Lynda Lippin: Thank you Steve.
Steve Washuta: Thanks for joining us on the Trulyfit podcast. Please subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platform. Feel free to email us as we’d love to hear from you.
Thanks again!