
Fitness + Health + Wisdom + Wealth

Guest: Trent McEntire

Podcast Release Date: 7/25/2021

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Steve Washuta: Welcome to the Trulyfit podcast. I’m your host, Steve Washuta, co-founder of Trulyfit and author Fitness Business 101. On today’s podcast, I have the pleasure of speaking with Trent McIntyre. Trent is the owner of McIntyre Pilates. But today we are going to speak about his neuro movement course, and his term fire up your brain, he’s going to describe what fire up your brain means. But if I can give a quick description, it is making brain work fun.

He is going to go through the tools he uses to do this, why it’s important, the science that backs it. And then specifically his brain speedball, which is an orange ball that has black letters and numbers on it softball that you can throw to your clients, for those of you who are not watching this, but listening to this, that will give you some help when describing this. If somebody wants to integrate this into their practice, and their personal training, or the group fitness, we talked about that and ways in which you can reach out and learn more.

And it is great all-around material for those of you who have clients, whether they’re athletes who are trying to improve in cognitive development, baseball players, or football players catching balls and understanding where their weaknesses are, whether it’s a visual acuity or otherwise, or whether it is clients that I work with that have movement disorders, and you are trying to make sure that their cognitive development stays up to a certain level. Trent talks about all of the different demographics and what you can use this for and why it’s important. It’s a great podcast, good information here. with no further ado, here’s Trent Trent, thank you so much for joining the Trulyfit podcast, why don’t you give the audience a background bio of who you are, and how it is that you got into what you do today?

Trent McEntire : Sure, it’s great to be here. Thanks for having me. So basically, I consider myself having 25 years of experience of in helping people problem-solve for their own body’s needs. And so this, this really stemmed out of my own needs, that I solved for myself before I started working with other people.

So let me just kind of make the long story short, to give you an idea is that, you know, I actually went to college for dance, I became a professional dancer. And in doing that, going through that process, you know, halfway through college, I hit a wall and got injured, I was really I could barely walk in the morning and I had this inflammation and severe pain from the knees down that just got in the way of any athletic performance that I was trying to accomplish.

And at the time, I was, of course dancing many hours a day, several days a week, lifting weights, doing Pilates, doing all the things I should be doing. But in the morning, I couldn’t walk in so that this became like a problem. This thing I’m trying to do for my life is really in my way and our home for the holiday break.

And I was explaining to my mom, I don’t get it like why can I walk? Like why is it so painful? Why do I have so much inflammation? And she said, Well, Trent, that’s because you were born with cerebral palsy. And I was like, I was 19. I was like, Wait, what? And, and so like to give you the bio like this, my whole 25-year career has come out of first solving for my own problems of having cerebral palsy of birth, but not knowing that that was the case until I was 19.

And she’s like, Oh, yeah, don’t remember when you were three, we they the ducts for casts on your legs because you didn’t have any mobility in your ankles. So they forced your heels to the floor, and then cast you there to force the tissues to stretch. And then I had this memory of like, yeah, remember these casts, but I didn’t have a connection between having a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which was a class one. So it’s a mild form, nothing that you would know by looking at me, but it certainly had a huge influence on my ability to move. So that was like the foundation, like the start of my bio at 19. To launch me into first problem solving for myself before I expanded into helping other people with their issues.

Steve Washuta: Wow. Well, it sounds like it could be a movie of some sorts, that you have something even like you said, I’m not familiar with a sort of the classes of diagnosis, type one, type two, whatever class one but cerebral palsy, in general, to be you know, to then be a top-level dancer seems to be quite the feat that you overcame. So then from that point on, did you go into Pilates next as a sort of alike as your next fitness endeavor is that was the next step in your life.

Trent McEntire: I was already doing Pilates when I was in college and I was already in various kinds of Kinesiology, anatomy, movement therapies, you name it. And so when I went back to school, I was like, I’ve got to problem solve this for myself.

I got to figure out how to do this and I’m already doing all these things. So like the textbook says I should be fine. I’m doing everything right, you know. And so I decided to start looking at the movement therapies and what was missing for them and what was missing in Pilates for me and, and put together a program for myself. So I started inventing exercises and journaling what worked what didn’t work.

You know what made it better, what made it worse for how long, and then I rehab my own injury. So that process of problem-solving and rehabbing my own injury became my own body of work. That body of work for many years was just, I just taught it under the umbrella of Pilates. Then books and literature started being published about neuroscience and how we know the brain is plastic. I get these books thinking, I was like, I’m gonna really dive into this, like this great new work that’s being published.

As I’m reading it, I’m like, this is exactly what I do with my clients. I’ve been doing this for my clients for years and years and years. But there wasn’t a language for there wasn’t a terminology that the layperson could access easily. All these books and literature started providing that for people. And the aha moments of like, yeah, this is what we’re doing is we’re building new neural patterns. And it was really, it was a beautiful moment because it really confirmed for me that my intuition and problem solving for myself turned into helping other people that I was on the right track.

Steve Washuta: Yeah, I’m sure that was quite the revelatory situation when you start to read the literature and the science and you’re like, Hey, I’m ahead of the science essentially, right? I’ve been doing this for years, I kind of wrote this book if I knew the scientific jargon of sorts. So I want to hop into a little bit of what you do so that the audience knows you talk about fire up your brain and your program. I know that it’s, uh, you know, affiliated with what we just talked about sort of a more of neurological components, but you involve Pilates? How do you describe exactly what it is? You do? 

Trent McEntire : Yeah, well, it’s really about making brain performance fun and accessible. It’s that simple. When you make brain performance fun and accessible, then we can open up worlds for people.

So for five per brain, it’s just it’s about optimizing what you need. So for, for kids, for example, which is one of the programs that I put together, you know, they especially now with how much screen time they have going on, but even before the screen time, you know, kids struggle with focus, they’re struggling with anxiety, being able to really be present and accomplish the things that are put in front of them.

And so, you know, when you look at firing up a brain for a kid, it isn’t about making them more excited. And, and, you know, making your brain fast and hyper, it’s about making it efficient. So when you say fire up your brain, it’s like getting the parts of your brain to function in a way and integrate in a way that they’re not so that you can accomplish whatever’s in front of you. And for kids, it focuses and anxiety and helps a school for seniors, we look at helping them with balance and mobility.

So we build specific games around those issues. for athletes, this is a huge, huge one because you have athletes that need injury prevention, but they also need recovery. And usually, when they’re getting injury recovery, they’re still competing, you know, they’re still trying to be, you know, at the top level. So these populations have been the main three that I’ve worked with for the last 25 years. I’m not a senior yet, but I happen to have been and had issues within the child situation, and the athletic situation. So a lot of it comes from personal experience, but also years of having these people as clients.

Steve Washuta : Now I know some of what you do, because I’ve researched it, and I actually do some of it. But could you give the audience kind of a description of what toys you may use, and how the program might come about? Because although you saying you’ll fire up your brain make it fun. What exactly could a personal trainer use to do this, whether it’s for a youngster like you talked about an athlete or the older, senior population?

Trent McEntire: Yeah, it’s really about making it fun. So that’s actually why I invented the brain speedball. The brain speedball is a really simple inflatable ball that you play a game of catch with, and it has A through Z and one through 12 on it.

If you and I were playing, for example, we were throwing the ball back and forth. And then when you catch it, you’ll stop the ball in place, and they’ll tell me what you see. So we as you go back and forth, you catch it, you’re like, oh, whew, you catch it again, be you catch it again, the number one. And the reason why this is so important is that we know science has proven that our brain puts significant emphasis on the input that comes from the eyes. And just like the rest of your body, when, when your eyes are weak, or they’re imbalanced, and they don’t work well together, your body suffers, and your performance of your brain suffers.

So by playing a simple game, that gets you to tap into how your brain processes. So you’re sensing where the ball is what’s on the ball, you’re deciding to catch it and say it out loud, and then you act on it by saying it out loud. That sense decides act becomes a neurological cycle that already happens in your brain that we can just plug into. You don’t even really know you don’t have to know that cycle exists for it to work because we are just naturally tapping into it. And keeping it fun so that the brain feels like it wants to do it. Because if you lose the fun the brains like Ah, this is a threat or this isn’t engaging. I don’t really want to do this so that that game aspect is a Really important part of it.

Steve Washuta : And I think it’s the best way I could put it is beautifully simple. A lot of trainers overcomplicate things, and they want to show you how smart they are with talking about all the anatomical jargon and the nuances, but sometimes it just comes down to not only having fun, but the little small things, the efferent afferent neurons, those synapses that are firing the proprioception, the things we learned early on, and keeping that up, I work with the senior population, that’s probably the largest part of my sort of demographic for lack of a better term that I work with.

We do simple things like almost like assignment says, where I’ll take two steps to the left, they have to take two steps to the left, I do bicep curls, my left arm, they’re facing me they have to do with their left arm, right. Then boxing I have something called the gym get energized and moving certification by work with all movement disorders, but specifically Parkinson’s. I know right there, we’ve seen the population.

You know, the study said, I think Georgia Southern actually did one recently, that shows how important it is to have you, like you said, not only the eyes but all like sort of all of those things working in concert. So when I’m throwing out a combo, 1234 slip one, and they’re feeling the impact on their hands and reverberating back into their body. And they’re hearing it and then they’re replicating those movements, it’s maybe, you know, there’s no way to reset, let’s say the loss of cognitive function or something if you have these, but you can certainly delay it. And that’s what’s important.

Trent McEntire : Yeah, and then optimizing what they do have I, you know, the population that has neurological diseases and disorders, they’re, they’re amazing to work with, you know, Parkinson’s, Ms. I recently had a client that had suffered a stroke.

And, you know, I had some, some, some professionals watching the session, and were amazed at how hard I would make it for this person. You know, like, I don’t mean hard for the sake of hard, but you know, they have very limited function, they, they’re just, they’re just a few months out of having a stroke.

They only have partial use of one side of their body, but still making it fun and engaging and hard. And that magic combination gives them results and gives them you know, maybe laughing for the first time in a really long time. Which is huge. Because if you can change their mood, you can change their outlook, you can access a whole different, you know, situation.

Steve Washuta: Yeah, I think that’s a great side note training tip, do not treat them with kid gloves. If anything, make it harder, right? They don’t want to be treated with kid gloves, because they’re probably are in some other area of their life when you’re working with them for that one hour, push them, right, they expect to be pushed, and you need to push them.

Trent McEntire : Yeah, and I think that’s where as professionals, you have the ability to, hopefully, have the ability to assess, if you really are pushing them, you know, making it too easy is not good for them. You don’t wanna make it so hard that they’re, that it’s terrible. But you have to make a hard enough that their brain can engage with actually solving the situation in front of them.

You know, for some people, I mean, I’ve had, I’ve had CrossFit athletes that I throw the ball to them for the first time. And they freak out because oh, come to find out. They’re afraid of balls. They have been their whole life. They were that kid in dodgeball class where I got tormented. They’re incredible athletes, but the ball totally tripped them up. So the hard game for them is different than a hard game for someone else. And so just finding what that means for the person in front of you. I think it’s really important as a pro.

Steve Washuta : Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. My wife actually was a collegiate ice skater. A very good one for the University of Wisconsin. She couldn’t catch a tennis ball. If I threw it at her she would duck because she never played any ball sport, right? She grew up ice skating, she had no idea she couldn’t she caught a baseball, never throw a softball.

So yeah, you’re right. It’s good to think about those things and how people might be different. And that’s another reason to also adapt to different forms of, again, challenging exercises that your client might not be used to. So maybe they’re really used to catching the ball.

But there, they’re not used to doing things on one foot because they’ve always done things on stable surfaces with both feet, well, then that’s how you challenge them, right says use a different means and mode to challenge their balance and proprioception, whatever that is, whether it’s stability, or the exercise, or a combination of both. Now, I want to get back to Pilates.

Anyone who listens to this podcast, it’s probably sick of this because there’s a lot of Pilates talk. For some reason, everyone that comes on this podcast ends up having a background in Pilates, whether we know it or not. But can you delve a little bit more into maybe what you do on a day-to-day basis with Pilates? Do you also integrate that into your brain work? Or is that separate?

Trent McEntire : Oh no, it’s on separate the brain work is a priority for me. Pilates is another tool that I use, and it’s huge because I can have a Pilates studio. And I have teachers that also work for me and you know, we have clients that come in, but they’re coming to us because of our background and understanding of the brain and the whole neurological situation.

So we’re looking at them through that neurological lens. And because we do that, it’s a specific situation. So yes, we’ll put you on the same equipment that may be another Pilates studio might put you on, but our assessments are neurologically based. And we’re going to be looking at evaluating how strong your senses are, especially your eyes and your business. Other systems.

When you’re looking at your eyes and inner ear, it brings two pieces into play that can oftentimes for Pilates for a lot of Pilates. A lot of personal training can just be kind of like excluded, you know, they’re not doing a lot of visual exercises, and inner ear exercises, even when people think they’re doing balanced exercises, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re doing inner ear exercises and actually tracking the fluid of the inner ear and the head movements and such. So yes, Pilates works, it goes hand in hand.

And, and it’s worth noting that, you know, we’re not playing a game of brain speedball for an hour, the game lasts five minutes or less. And it’s really about where you put it in your session. So even for a personal trainer, when you’re working with a client, it’s like you’re observing something and you haven’t you have a choice to make, you can say, I’m going to give them a verbal cue to improve this or a tactile cue to improve this. Or just have them finished the set of whatever they’re doing, grab their brains football, play the game for five minutes or so and then go back to the same exercise with no verbal corrections, no instructions that are different, and see what happens. And that’s where you as the professional can see just how powerful the senses are in talking to the brain.

But also the person who’s working can be like, oh, I don’t know what has happened. But this feels easier. And I feel more organized and stronger. And my, the whole integration of my torso is more connected, or whatever it might be that they might say, right. But it’s a ninja move for a trainer or a Pilates instructor, to be able to just have a couple minutes of a game that has such a huge effect and improving something that maybe they’ve been struggling with for a long time. Or you just like every time they come in, I got to tell them the same thing every time and it doesn’t improve. That’s when you look at shifting to the senses and talking to the brain.

Steve Washuta : Yeah, I think you have an advantage in this to be from a Pilates background, as opposed to just let’s say straight Personal Training, where the movements are getting you need to be so in tune with your body during these movements.

If you’re prone and supine, sometimes you can’t see what you’re doing, right. But you have to feel it right. If you feel the cowards moving too quickly, and there’s a jerk action, then then you’re doing it wrong, right, you’re creating Slack, you have to be slower with your legs, whether you’re pointing your toes or flexing your toes, and the little nuances of all these movements, make you understand sort of proprioception more and all these neural things that are going on as opposed to, you know, unfortunately, you know, a regular young 22-year-old personal trainer who’s only ever, you know, lifted heavyweights, and it’s just effort. You know, this isn’t about effort.

This is about connecting, right? Sometimes it’s slowing things down in order to connect those things. And then slowly, you become more efficient at those movements as you do the more and more.

Trent McEntire: Yeah, for sure. For sure. I think I think for any trainer at any age if they just start with a willingness to start looking at the outside of proprioception outside of muscle contractions and joint movement, which is super important. But you know, outside of that you have looked at other senses. And if you just start with simple ways to incorporate sensory training into a session, it makes a huge difference. And you don’t have to have 10 years of experience to be able to start having that kind of impact on your clients. That’s the thing to really remember.

Steve Washuta: Yeah. And I know this sounds odd, but don’t be embarrassed to be throwing your client a ball in the middle of the gym, right? This is for them. This is helpful. And again, it’s fun. I watch trainers do it all the time. See not only it working with our clients and seeing them advancing, but see you know, the cognitive way in which they’re also lighting up.

I think there is an again, there’s a not I want to say a stigma, but there’s this inner drive to use the latest and greatest, most technical exercises when sometimes dialing it back and just being simple is more important. The Science shows that I want to talk a little bit about the science because I know we mentioned it earlier, but you’re not just doing this willy nilly. You know that the science backs this up? And can you explain a little bit more about the science or any other little tidbits facts that are fun to know concerning us?

Trent McEntire: Yeah, let me I want to tell you a story about an athlete that I worked with because it really speaks to how powerful science can be. So he was actually versus motorcycles. And he was on a motorcycle and going 50 miles an hour and lost control of his bike and went headfirst into a cement wall, broke like 22 bones, and had a very significant traumatic brain injury. And his wife called me basically on her way to the airport to fly to where he was like, I don’t know when I can use you.

But as soon as he’s able to function I need I would need your help. So when he can when you can work with him. I need you guys to work together. And so basically I was just on call waiting for the moment for him to be able to come into the space for me to work with him. And so, you know, not too long after that the day came and he was about I think he was about four days out of his wheelchair.

So he’s only been walking on his own for four days or so. And the way he described it as he walked out as a drunk penguin. It’s kind of like the side-to-side Walk anytime you have to kind of Yeah, exactly have to kind of hold the wall to stabilize himself when he came in. And, you know, he’s had the best care, he’s had the best rehab.

And basically, they decided, even though he had so many broken bones, that they were just going to leave them, they weren’t going to re-break them and place them and give him hardware, just they’re gonna let him heal the way they were to not create more problems for his organs and various things. But it was the traumatic brain injury, that was the biggest problem.

It was just his cognitive function and his ability to walk. I mean, if he can’t walk, he’s not going to be at his job, he’s not going to go back to his job and, and continue the process of returning to his life. So we played brans by ball for about 10 minutes or less. And he walked like, he’d had nothing wrong with him. It was amazing. I mean, the thing is, is I don’t ever expect something to happen. I just hope that it does.

But when it does, I’m just as amazed as my clients are, because I’m just there to help to do the experiment, I feel like I am doing the research in real-time with my client to see what happens. So when he could walk as if nothing had happened before. It just blew me away. And it did him to in his life as well. And they were like, well, that’s, that’s really great.

But how long is it going to stick like, you’re gonna wake up tomorrow, and everything is gonna be back the way it was, you know. It never went back the way it was, he never returned back to that drunk penguin walk, he’s able to walk normally what he would call normally, from then on. And now it’s been a couple years, he’s back to working full time, he’s traveled on his own camping on his own and national parks. And he’s an amazing guy.

But it was, it does seem weird that a simple game of catch can trigger such a profound response. And that’s why I want to take you back to what it is about playing that game of catch, it’s really is about tracking what’s coming towards you. You know, again, throwing the ball to him isn’t just that he’s catching the ball, but that he’s watching the ball come through the air.

There’s depth perception involved. So neurologically, that’s a huge component for your eyes. And then he’s tracking with his eyes. So as I’m playing, I’m actually throwing the ball to different places around him. So he has to move his body, he’s not static, he’s moving his body. And we’re seeing where he has weakness in gaps in his abilities. So then I’m targeting those gaps. So if he drops the ball more, when it’s to the right, I’m gonna throw it to the right more. Yeah, and I’m gonna throw, throw slow, throw fast, bounce it off the wall, bounce it off the floor, etc, and tap into all the dynamics that the visual system has, that you can find some weaknesses, and then also patch them up.

So it’s incredibly, it’s so so back to like this research piece and the science that supports it, it’s that while we know a lot about that the brain is plastic and the eyes are super important to connect to the brain, we really only have a fraction of the information that I believe is possible to understand when it comes to the brain performance. So I don’t ever profess to have all the answers about every single detail. And I think that’s, that’d be really naive, because I think, and the next five years, we’re going to know so much more than we know now, that’s going to really paint some pictures for us. But we have seen some very profound things happen, that have stuck. It’s been amazing.

Steve Washuta: Well, that’s a heck of a story. I could hear it in your voice. How much you care for that particular client and all of your clients. Getting them to their goals or keeping them where they’re at. That’s, that’s so important. I think, naturally, when somebody sees the toy. I’m going to play devil’s advocate. They might go, Well, what else can you do with it? It’s just a ball, right? We’re going to continue to throw it. And that is a huge mistake, right? That’s huge because we know that it’s our bodies that are the tools. It’s not the toy, right? So you can switch up and use it a million different ways.

Like you said, Well, I can throw it low, I can throw it high. Can throw it right, throw it left, I can see where the where there’s a disconnect. And I can focus on that, I can use an agility ladder, have them take two steps to the right. Then catch the ball, then two steps to the left and catch the ball. I can have them stand on a Bosu ball. And see if I mean it goes on and on and on. It’s if you can’t be creative with it, that’s a huge problem. It’s not the tools problem. And then I always talk about and I want to just quickly throw this in here.

I have an acronym I called dots. Duration, object tempo stability, if you switch up any one of those four. You have endless exercises. So in this case, if the object is the ball, you can switch up the duration. Whether it’s the repetitions at the time. And then the tempo, whether you’re going slow or fast, or you know you’re focused on essential. Concentric and instability. Whether you’re on one leg or on a Bosu. On a foam pad or on your knees or on your back. Whatever that is, you’ll have endless exercises. So don’t think that this is a limited tool because it’s not.

Trent McEntire: Yeah, I actually love the question. People say, Well, what else can you do with it? And it’s like, first of all, that’s a great question. And you want to ask yourself. What makes you think that you could only do one or two things with it? What is it about what you believe? And using a tool that feels like you’re limited. Like, take away the limitation because I promise you. You’re going to come up with 50 more things that that I haven’t thought up. That my team has thought of and we’ve thought of a lot.

We use this in every way you could imagine every day would like, Oh, that’s a new way. Oh, that’s a new way. So it’s really about, like, people want to put it on me like, well, what else can you do? Like, I’ll show you, I can show you 100 things right now. But I’d rather you come up with your 50. And it’s even better because then you own it. You own that game and you, you have a way to get your clients to engage with you. In your in the way that your relationship is based.

You know, for our clients that have had strokes. And they can’t fully they’ll have a pincer grasp, and they can’t fully close their hands. We’ll take the air out of the ball too. So so you have a fully inflated ball and all the things that come with that. And then you have a half-inflated ball. And all the fun games that come with that. We play with athletes a lot of times or two balls so that we can work on the reaction time.

So for like a volleyball player who’s got a quick response at the net. Or quick response in the back row. We want to be able to drill the ball from multiple angles. And have them be able to catch it and track it. Play the game faster than the game that they’re playing. Because if they can respond in track faster than their sport. The sport is no longer challenging the threat their brain. They can process at a much better rate. So there are the possibilities are endless.

It’s just being willing to look at the scenario and go, here’s how I problem-solve for this scenario. And if you’re willing to be a problem solver, then that’s not the question you’re asking. The question is, I can’t wait the statement is I can’t wait to see what I come up with. Because it’s, that’s just not an issue.

Steve Washuta: Yeah, that’s a great point. And the second you said that I thought, you know if I had two balls, what would I do? And I started thinking of all these things that I can do. With to like, you know, throwing them and saying, right, left, and whatever. I said they actually have to tell me left, right, right.

So like I’m telling them something, but they have to reverse it and know that they’re reversing it. And then look, it just I mean, there’s endless things you can come up with. I know that you know, baseball players already do this, in some sense. It’s a, it sounds like an old wives tale, they try it, they’re not successful at it.

But there will be baseball players who write a letter or number down on the ball. And then they’ll sit in a batting cage. And see if they can see that letter or number on that ball. As it’s coming in at 90 miles per hour without swinging. Just to see if they can locate it. Because that helps with their visual acuity and their timing of the baseball right. So this is just sort of a larger-scale version of that and moved over to fitness.

Trent McEntire: So I love working with baseball players. You know, I’ve had pro athletes from just about every sport. And baseball players are really fun to work with. Because each position is really unique. And so you have what position they play.

You can tap into discovering where their weaknesses are, you know. For that for the pitcher, they’ve got to have incredible peripheral awareness. They have to be able to see everything that’s happening. And that awareness for the person who’s that bad. If they have weakness, if they if they’re right-handed, and they bet that way.

And they have a weakness with their eyes going to the left. They’re gonna have a hard time tracking the ball. And sometimes you have people that have the worst averages, it’s because of their eyes. It’s not because they’re not strong enough, or they’re not coordinated enough. It’s that literally, their eyes can’t focus on that ball that’s coming toward them when they’re looking to the left. So you can strengthen that. And you can just open up possibilities really quickly. It’s,

Steve Washuta: it’s such a good point, I was working with a golfer. Basically, we found out that because of his he was so left eye dominant, which he didn’t know. He was a lefty, he was a lefty putter. But his eye was behind that way. We made them a righty putter. He took two strokes off of his score, right. And this was like already a very good golfer just like learning those little nuances about it. And you’re right, working with athletes, it’s so important that you look at the athlete. Snd what they’re doing specifically. Then cater those exercises to it.

Because I’ll have all of the people come up to me all the time and say. Hey, I’m working with this, you know, this guy who plays football.These are the exercises I want to do. And I say well, what position does he play because he was a quarterback. He’s going to have to be worried about visual stimuli and avoiding things and throwing and timing.

But if he’s an offensive lineman, he needs to work on explosive movements, right. So these are the third, you know, obviously very different. And I think that was a great point. So tell the audience where they can find fire up your brain. And if they want to contact you personally. Trent to know how to integrate this into their personal training sessions. Or Pilates sessions or group fitness where they can do that.

Trent McEntire: Yeah, so you can go to Then there’s a page there called Ask Trent. And what I would encourage your listeners to do is to put in the information. Their name, and email into asking Trent. You get notified when I go live. What I do is you have the ability to ask questions based on your particular scenario. Then when I go live, I answer those questions. And then provide those if you don’t watch a life you get the video later on. So it’s a free program. But it’s a way to actually get access to me and problem solving for your particular situation. By just tapping into that program.

Steve Washuta: That’s great. I will pitch this to the audience. If you’re a creative trainer, you’re going to have endless things to do with this. If you’re not a creative trainer. It’s going to force you to be creative and start thinking. Build, it’s for all populations, young to old. There are only so many fitness tools in the industry. And this one that works more on your brain is very important. So, go out, get a ball, see how it works for you and your clients. And Trent I hope to maybe have you on another Trulyfit podcast down the road speaking about something different, 

Trent McEntire: but great to be here. Thank you so much. Thanks again. 

Steve Washuta: Thanks for joining us on the Trulyfit podcast. Please subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platform. Feel free to email us as we’d love to hear from you.

Thanks again!




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